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It had been a week since Sarah had returned from Delhi and her parents showered her with extra attention at home. The sweet gestures overwhelmed her, and she deeply missed this warmth. Meanwhile, Rehan would frequently visit her house, eagerly searching for Sarah. However, each time he came, she would retreat to her room, avoiding any interaction. Her mother, unaware of Sarah's true feelings, would urge her to come out and meet Rehan.

"Sarah, why don't you come out and meet Rehan? He's your cousin." her mother would say, trying to encourage her.

"Ammi I have some important work to do. I can't come" Sarah would reply, her voice filled with hesitation.

Sarah's heart was filled with fear, afraid that if she spent time with Rehan again, her emotions would come back and grow stronger. She couldn't bring herself to explain this to her Ammi, so she would always make an excuse, hoping to protect herself from potential heartache. Little did she know that destiny had its own plans, waiting to unfold their story in unexpected ways.

Despite Sarah's apparent avoidance, Rehan couldn't shake off the desire to meet her. He sensed that something was amiss, but the reason eluded him. Deep down, he yearned to talk, to understand, and to share some precious moments with her.

The curiosity grew, urging him to bridge the gap that had formed between them. He couldn't fathom why she seemed distant, but his heart urged him to persist. With each passing day, Rehan's determination grew stronger, propelling him to reach out to Sarah, to break through the walls that had silently erected between them.

Rehan, filled with curiosity, finally mustered the courage to meet Sarah. After a week of contemplation, he made his way to her room. Seeking permission from his aunt, he asked, "Can I go to Sarah's room?" His aunt granted him permission, and with a nervous heartbeat, he knocked on Sarah's door.

Assuming it was her mother, Sarah pleaded, "Ammi, please don't ask me to meet Rehan right now. I don't want to see him." Rehan was taken aback, shocked by her words. As she opened the door, she noticed his presence and quickly went to put on her dupatta, asking, "What are you doing here?" Both of them stood there, stunned by the unexpected encounter.

Rehan, noticing Sarah in her beautiful salwar suit, felt a bit shy and looked down as she adjusted her dupatta. He mustered the courage to explain, "I actually wanted to meet you, but aunt said you didn't want to come. Since you were busy, I decided to come by myself to see you."

Just as Rehan and Sarah were processing the unexpected encounter, Sarah's mother appeared with a tray of snacks and tea, wearing a big smile on her face. She cheerfully exclaimed, "Since you don't have to go downstairs, I thought I'd bring some treats for both of you! Rehan, come and have a seat, and Sarah, please join us too."

Sarah gave her mother a stern look, clearly displeased with her decision to bring Rehan to her room without asking. The room filled with a mix of emotions as the three of them navigated this unexpected situation.

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