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Rehan found himself immersed in prayer at the mosque when his phone vibrated, interrupting his spiritual connection. Curiosity piqued, he answered the call, only to hear his mother's voice on the other end.

"Rehan, can you come home early today?" his mother asked, her tone laced with anticipation. "Sarah is coming after three years, and we're having a small get-together at your aunt's house."

A rush of excitement coursed through Rehan's veins as he absorbed the news. He quickly finished his prayers, feeling a newfound energy propelling him forward. With a sense of purpose, he made his way back home.

As Rehan stepped through the front door, his mother's eyes widened in surprise. "Rehan, what brings you home so early?" she asked, clearly taken aback.

"I heard about the get-together at Aunt's house," Rehan replied, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Since you asked to come early, I thought to come a little more earlier"

His mother's expression softened, a mixture of pride and joy dancing in her eyes. "That's thoughtful of you, my son," she said, patting his shoulder affectionately.

In that moment, Rehan realized that his eagerness to be a part of this gathering was Sarah. He couldn't wait to welcome her and create new memories together, surrounded by the warmth of family.

Rehan's home was filled with warmth and laughter as his friend Aayan paid him an unexpected visit. Aayan couldn't help but notice the wide grin on Rehan's face and playfully inquired, "What's got you so excited, bro? Why the constant smile?"

Caught off guard, Rehan's smile faded, and he glanced at his friend, asking, "When did you arrive?" Aayan couldn't resist teasing him, responding with a mischievous tone, "I came when you were laughing like an idiot!"

With a burst of energy, Rehan chased after Aayan, determined to playfully retaliate. As they raced through the house, their laughter echoed in the air. Their joyful commotion caught the attention of Rehan's mother, who appeared in the doorway, curious about the ruckus.

"What on earth are you two up to?" she asked, a mix of concern and amusement in her voice. Aayan quickly halted in his tracks, offering a polite greeting to Rehan's mother.

Rehan's mother asked Rehan, "Please bring some chocolates for Sarah. She absolutely adores them, and it would be lovely to greet her with a gift she loves."

Aayan, intrigued by the mention of Sarah, turned to Rehan, who had been lost in his thoughts, wearing a blissful smile. Aayan's question snapped him back to reality, and Rehan's mother kindly explained, "Sarah is my sister's daughter, Rehan's cousin. Today, after three long years, she's finally returning back from Delhi."

As Rehan's mother left Aayan asked, "You never told me that you were so close to your cousin Sarah?"

"No I mean yes I was not close to her" Rehan trembled.

"But I don't know why she left all of a sudden. I mean she would come and talk to me. But all of a sudden, she stopped coming to family gatherings as well" Rehan said.

"Why?" Aayan asked curiously.

"It's not like I never talked to her. I always reply to all of her questions even if I was least interested" He said.

Rehan's heart sank as he thought about Aayan's words. "Maybe she didn't like the way you ignore her," Aayan had suggested. Rehan denied it, saying, "I never ignored her. I always responded when she talked to me." But deep down, he started to realize the truth.

Lost in his thoughts, Rehan remembered the past. "She used to come and talk to me," he recalled. "But I don't know why, all of a sudden, she stopped coming to family gatherings and moved to Delhi from Lucknow. After that, we never talked or called each other." Rehan's voice trailed off, a hint of sadness in his words.

Aayan, being observant, probed further. "Maybe it's because you always replied to her questions but never took a real interest," he suggested. Rehan initially defended himself, insisting that he always talked to her. But as Aayan's words sank in, a realization began to take hold.

"I was actually close to Rabbia, and so was she," Rehan admitted, his voice filled with regret. The truth was slowly unraveling. He had unintentionally neglected Sarah, too focused on his bond with Rabbia. It was a painful realization, but one he needed to confront.

The room fell silent as Rehan grappled with his emotions. Aayan, a steadfast friend, offered comfort, allowing Rehan the space to process his thoughts. It was a pivotal moment, one that would shape their relationships and the upcoming reunion with Sarah's return.

Aayan, realizing the complexity of the situation, didn't push further. Instead, he suggested, "Why don't you meet her today since she's returning back?" Aayan knew that meeting in person would provide an opportunity for Rehan to reconnect with Sarah and perhaps mend their relationship.

Rehan pondered Aayan's proposal, contemplating the significance of this reunion. It was a chance to bridge the gap that had formed between them and to understand each other's perspectives. With a mix of anticipation and nervousness, Rehan agreed to meet Sarah, ready to face the emotions that awaited him.

As the day unfolded, Rehan prepared himself for this long-awaited encounter, hoping for a chance to rebuild their bond and find the connection they had lost. Little did he know that this meeting would mark a turning point in their lives, bringing them closer together and unraveling the mysteries of their past.

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