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Sarah excited shared the news about her grandmother's arrival to her parents. Sarah's mother, Habiba, expressed with conviction, "How could a grandmother possibly miss her beloved granddaughter's marriage?" Habib, Sarah's father, chimed in, emphasizing the special bond between Sarah and her Nani. "Absolutely! Ammi has spent so much time with Sarah during her childhood and even during her graduation days," he said, reminiscing. Habib's tone turned somber as he reflected on the past. "Sometimes, I wonder how we would have managed if Ammi wasn't there for Sarah," he admitted, a hint of sadness in his voice. Habiba, grateful for Habib's recovery from cancer, replied, "Alhamdulillah, you're alright now. I was so scared during those difficult times. I didn't how I can live without Sarah." Their conversation carried a mix of emotions, highlighting the significance of family and the challenges they had overcome together.  They remembered those bitter days when Habib was going through a cancer.

In a small, cozy house in Delhi, Sarah's grandmother, lovingly called Nani, resided. When Sarah was just five years old, her father fell ill with cancer, causing immense worry for her mother, Habiba. She faced the daunting task of caring for both her ailing husband and their young daughter simultaneously. It was a challenging time for the family.

Witnessing her daughter's struggle, Nani's heart ached. She couldn't bear to see her daughter overwhelmed and her granddaughter longing for her mother's attention. Determined to help, Nani, who lived alone with her caretaker in Delhi, made a heartfelt decision. She offered to take Sarah under her wing, alleviating some of the burden from Habiba's shoulders.

However, Habiba, being a thoughtful and considerate mother, couldn't bear to burden her own mother with the responsibility of caring for Sarah. Instead, Nani visited their home every day, becoming a constant presence in Sarah's life. As time went on, their bond grew stronger, and Nani became Sarah's pillar of support and love.

As Sarah's father's health deteriorated, the doctors advised Habiba to take him to the United States for specialized treatment. It was a difficult decision for Habiba to leave her daughter behind, but she knew it was the best chance to save her husband's life. With a heavy heart, she entrusted Sarah's care to Nani and embarked on the journey to the USA.

Initially, Habiba believed she would return soon, but fate had other plans. Two years passed before she could finally return to her daughter's side. It was a challenging and emotional period for the family, but their love and resilience carried them.

Sarah's grandmother, a warm-hearted soul, took care of her with love and tenderness. Every morning, she would send Sarah off to school with a big smile on her face. In the evenings, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Sarah's grandmother would gather her close and weave enchanting tales that ignited Sarah's imagination. The nights were filled with laughter and wonder as they embarked on magical adventures through the power of storytelling. During the day, Sarah would frolic and play with her friends, creating memories that would last a lifetime. She was truly blessed to have such a caring and nurturing grandmother by her side.

Her grandmother would often accompany her on visits to her khala's house. Sarah's heart would fill with anticipation every time, as she couldn't wait to see her cousin Rehan. However, to her dismay, Rehan would consistently ignore her, causing immense hurt. Sarah would find herself in tears, seeking solace in her grandmother's comforting presence. Understanding the pain Sarah experienced, her nani and khala would console her and scold Rehan for his behavior.

Rehan, who was just seven years old, burst out with frustration to his mother, "I hate her! Why does she always come to my room?" His young heart was filled with annoyance and confusion, unable to comprehend why Sarah, his cousin, seemed to invade his personal space. His mother, with a gentle touch and a patient smile, knelt down to his level. "Rehan," she began, "Sarah is your cousin, and family is important. Let's try to understand her perspective and find a way to make things better for both of you." Rehan's anger slowly subsided as his mother's words sank in, planting the seeds of empathy and understanding in his young mind.

Sarah, filled with excitement, made her way to Rehan's room to meet her beloved cousin. But as she entered, she was met with Rehan's frustrated outburst, "I hate her! Why does she always come to my room?" Sarah's heart sank, hurt by his words. She couldn't understand why he seemed to reject her presence. Heartbroken, Sarah ran away from Rehan's room, tears streaming down her face. The pain of his rejection was too much to bear. She sought solace in the comforting embrace of her grandmother, who lovingly wiped away her tears and whispered words of reassurance.

Sarah, who had just finished another day at school, couldn't shake off the hurtful encounter with Rehan from her mind. As she walked home, tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over. The weight of his rejection weighed heavily on her young shoulders, casting a shadow over her otherwise cheerful spirit. She longed for the warmth of her grandmother's comforting words, knowing that she would find solace in her loving embrace. With each step, Sarah vowed to find a way to mend the broken bond with her cousin and restore the joy that once filled their shared moments together.

Sarah's excitement was palpable as she bounded home, her grandmother's news about meeting Rehan fueling her anticipation. She couldn't wait to see him and spend time together. Arriving at their meeting spot, her heart sank when she saw Rabbia sitting beside him, deeply engrossed in a game.

Not one to be deterred, Sarah mustered up her courage and approached them, asking, "I also want to play!" Her voice was filled with eagerness and hope.

But instead of welcoming her, Rehan let out a laugh and teasingly replied, "Haha... do you even know how to play this?" Rabbia chimed in, agreeing with a mischievous grin. They even celebrated their camaraderie with a high-five, leaving Sarah feeling excluded and hurt.

Tears welled up in Sarah's eyes, her voice trembling as she turned to her grandmother, pleading with hiccups, "Take me home. I don't want to stay here." Her heartache was too much to bear, and she yearned for the comforting presence of her mama and nani.

Concerned, her grandmother asked, "What happened, my dear? Why do you want to leave?"

But Sarah couldn't find the words to explain her pain. She simply continued to plead, "I want mama nani. Please call her," her tears flowing freely.

In that moment, Sarah's emotions overwhelmed her, and she longed for the loving embrace of her family, hoping they could provide the solace she so desperately needed.

A week had passed since Sarah's demeanor grew quiet and her appetite diminished. Her grandmother, filled with worry, attempted to coax the reason for her sadness out of her, but Sarah would always evade the question.

One day, the caretaker of her grandmother informed her that new neighbors had arrived in the neighborhood. Sarah, seeking a distraction, ventured outside to play. As she stepped out, she noticed a couple who appeared to be moving into the house next door.

Curiosity sparked within her as she caught sight of a lively seven-year-old boy approaching them. With excitement in his voice, he asked, "May I also play with you all?" However, before they could respond, his mother scolded him, saying, "Aan! What are you doing there? Come here."  Sarah observed the interaction, her interest piqued.

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