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Sarah and Adnaan returned with Zakir after a delightful day together. Their parents could tell from their happy expressions and bags that they had a blast. Mrs. Fatima, Zakir's mother, exclaimed, "Mashallah, you must have had so much fun children!" Sarah and Adnaan giggled and replied, "Yes, Auntie, our brother has a big heart, so we couldn't say no."

Mrs. Khan gave her children a stern look and asked  Zakir with concerned, "Why did you buy them so much Zakir beta? They already have plenty of clothes and things. You shouldn't have done that." Zakir pretended to be hurt and said, "Okay, Mami, I get it. You don't consider me as your own son. First, they didn't listen, and now you." Mrs Khan then tried to made him understand, "It's not like that dear." Mrs. Fatima chimed in, "It's good that you took them out alone, Zakir. Otherwise, Bhabi wouldn't have allowed my kids to have some fun."

Sarah and Adnaan exclaimed,"Our aunt is amazing!" Mrs Fatima then said,"my children! I'll always be here for you. Don't worry about your parents, just tell me what you want, and I'll get it for you." Mrs Khan then said to Mrs Fatima, "Fatima you have just spoiled them." Mrs Fatima laughed and said, "What are aunts for then!" Both Sarah and Adnaan giggled and happily went to their room with the gifts that Zakir had bought for them.

Sarah's P.O.V

As I entered my room, I set aside my belongings which Zakir Bhai baught for me and prepared to freshen up. The realization of my lateness for prayer weighed heavily on my heart as I hurriedly performed my ablution.

Whispering softly to myself, I pleaded, "Allah, please forgive me. I hope I don't miss my prayer." My voice carried the sincerity of my plea, as I yearned to fulfill my religious duty.

As I sat in my room, immersed in my Asar prayer, the distant sounds of laughter and giggles reached my ears, mingling with words of praise. My heart fluttered with curiosity, wondering who could have arrived at our home. The voices grew louder, making it difficult to focus on my prayer. Determined, I completed my prayer and carefully folded my prayer mat.

I made my way downstairs, adjusting my scarf along the way. But to my surprise, as soon as I descended, the voices had already faded away, leaving behind a lingering sense of mystery. Confused, I turned to my family.

"Who was here?" I asked, my voice filled with curiosity.

"It was Zakir's best friend, beta" Phuphi said.

"Oh" I nodded and didn't pay much attention.

Then ammi called out to me, inviting me to join the elders in the living room. I saw them all gathered together, engrossed in their lively gossip. A sense of boredom washed over me, and I couldn't bear the thought of sitting there, listening to their unnecessary chatter.

Curiosity sparked within me, and I couldn't help but wonder where Zakir Bhai and Adnaan were. Seeking an escape from the mundane, I mustered the courage to ask, "Where are Zakir Bhai and Adnaan?"

Phuphi informed about their whereabouts said, "Zakir has gone out with his friend and Adnaan is in his room." To escape from their gossip, I made an excuse and said, "Alright, then you all carry on." I heard them laughing and giggling as I left.

I came  to my room, seeking solace in the comforting embrace of a book. As an avid reader, books have always held a special place in my heart, providing me with a sense of excitement, curiosity, and above all, peace. They never betray or hurt me, but instead transport me to a world of imagination and wonder.

I opened the pages of the book, allowing myself to be drawn into its captivating narrative. The words danced before my eyes, weaving a tapestry of emotions and adventures. As I delved deeper into the story, the outside world faded away, and I became lost in my own little universe.

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