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Zakir and Zainab's engagement was held at a their villa, with only their close family members present. Zakir's cousins were beyond excited to meet their soon-to-be sister-in-law.

As the ceremony concluded, Zakir's sisters gathered around Zainab, capturing the joyous occasion with pictures. Adeeba, with a wide grin, exclaimed, "Congratulations! Best wishes for your new journey with our beloved bhai." Humaira added, "May Allah grant you the strength to handle my mischievous brother." The cousins burst into laughter.

Ameera intervened, playfully scolding the cousins, saying, "Alright, children, enough teasing. Let's have dinner first." The cousins happily left for dinner, creating a delightful atmosphere filled with love and laughter.


"I'm starving!" Humaira exclaimed, her stomach growling loudly. Adeeba nodded in agreement, her eyes fixed on the table filled with delicious food. "I can't wait to sink my teeth into something," she added, licking her lips.

Just as the hunger became unbearable, Sarah jumped up from her seat. "Guys, I'll be back in just two minutes," she said, a hint of urgency in her voice. She darted out of the room, leaving the rest of the group puzzled.

Fatima, always the hostess, gestured for everyone to take a seat. "Come on, all of you, let's sit together and enjoy this meal," she said warmly, trying to create a sense of togetherness.

Habib, Sarah's absence, couldn't help but ask, "Where is Sarah?" Adeeba quickly replied, "She said she'll be here in two minutes chachu." Fatima glanced around the room, her eyes searching for another missing member. "And where is Kashan?" she wondered aloud.

Ayesha, unable to hold her tongue, interjected,  "It's just Sarah and Kashan who aren't here, right? I mean when everyone is here then..." Her words hung in the air, causing an uneasy tension to settle over the room. Everyone exchanged glances, the silence becoming more uncomfortable by the second.

Fatima, determined to diffuse the situation, spoke up. "Ayesha, my dear, focus on enjoying your dinner. Let's not worry about Kashan and Sarah. They probably have something important to attend." Ayesha rolled her eyes, her frustration evident to all.

The room fell into an awkward silence, the clinking of cutlery the only sound. Habib, eager to break the tension, turned to his son, Adnaan, and said, "Adnaan, go and find your sister. We can't start without her." Adnaan nodded obediently and left the room in search of Sarah.

As the group waited for their missing family member to join them, a mix of anticipation and curiosity filled the air. The aroma of the food tantalized their senses, making their hunger even more unbearable. They could only hope that Sarah and Kashan would soon return, bringing with them an explanation for their absence


Humaira's frustration grew as she whispered, "I can't even eat. Why the hell does Sarah have to go?" Adeeba, clearly irritated, shot back, "Shut up, Humaira! Think before you speak. Can't you see how serious everyone is?" The tension hung heavy in the air as they all anxiously awaited Sarah's return at the dining table.

Meanwhile, Sarah sought solace in the garden, engrossed in a phone call. As she ended the conversation, she turned around and was taken aback by Kashan's unexpected presence. "Sorry," she stammered, feeling a rush of awkwardness. Trying to ease the tension, Kashan asked with guts, "Hey, what are you doing out here? Everyone's having dinner, but you're not there..."

Sarah's mind raced, searching for an explanation. With a simple nod, she acknowledged her absence and the impact it had on the group. Grateful for Kashan's understanding, she silently mouthed a quick "thank you" before hastily making her way back to the dining table, hoping to mend the unintentional awkwardness she had caused.

She was on her way for dinner when she accidentally bumped into her brother, Adnaan. "Aapi, where were you? Everyone is waiting for you..." Sarah's worry grew, and she anxiously asked, "Did someone say something?" Adnaan shared the details of what had just happened at the dining table. Sarah was shocked and couldn't believe her ears. Kashan, who had accompanied Sarah and Adnaan, entered the room. "Oh, look, both of them are together," Ayesha sarcastically remarked. Ignoring his sister's words, Habib turned to Sarah and asked, "Where were you, beta?" Sarah quickly replied, "Baba, I was talking to Nani. She had been calling me for a long time, so I couldn't refuse."


As the night grew darker, Sarah found herself unable to sleep. Frustrated, she switched on the lights and dove into her beloved novels, seeking solace. However, Humaira, sharing the room with her, grew irritated and pleaded, "Could you please just switch off the lights?" Knowing she couldn't deny her request, Sarah reluctantly turned off the lights and tried to find sleep. But the sleep was far from her eyes.

Finally, she mustered the courage to break the silence. "Humaira?" she called out. In a sleepy tone, Humaira replied with a simple "hmm." Gathering her thoughts, Sarah hesitantly said, "I'm going to switch on the lights again." Irritated, Humaira retorted, "NO!" Feeling defeated, Sarah contemplated her options. She thought about seeking refuge in Adeeba and Laiba's room, but they were fast asleep.

With no other choice in sight, she quietly made her way downstairs to the garden. The darkness enveloped her, but the silence provided a sense of relief. Clutching her novel tightly, she gazed up at the starry sky, trying to immerse herself in the surroundings.


As the cousins gathered together, Adeeba's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Hey, why don't we all plan a grand day out? Shopping, dinner, and a movie! It's been ages since we've had a chance to hang out like this!"

Humaira's face fell with concern. "But who's going to give us permission?"

Sarah added, "Yes and the wedding is just around the corner."

Hassan joined in, raising his voice with enthusiasm, "Why to worry girls when we have our very own dynamic duo? Zayed Bhai and Zakir will handle it all!"

The girls erupted into laughter, sharing high-fives. Zakir and Zayed exchanged bewildered glances, caught off guard by the sudden enthusiasm. Zakir playfully retorted, "Hold on a minute! What does that even mean? And don't expect me to seek permission. After all, I'm the groom! It wouldn't be quite right if the groom himself has to ask for permission for his own wedding party!"

Their laughter filled the room, echoing with joy and camaraderie. Zayed added, with a mock serious expression, "And just because I'm the eldest doesn't mean you all can take advantage of me!"

Everyone burst into laughter once again, reveling in the light-hearted banter. They knew that no matter what hurdles they faced, their bond as cousins would always bring them together for unforgettable moments.

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