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Sarah and Kashan found themselves wrapped in a warm embrace, their eyes locked on the celestial beauty above.In a tender moment, Kashan's voice broke the silence, his words barely audible, "Wifey."

Sarah's heart skipped a beat, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of surprise and delight.

She turned to face him, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Yes?" she replied softly, eager to hear what he had to say.

With a hint of weariness in his voice, Kashan suggested, "I think we should  change."

They walked hand in hand, their footsteps creating a gentle rhythm on the path.

Sarah gracefully removed her jewellery, feeling the weight of the night slip away with each piece.

She slipped into a cozy suit, its soft fabric hugging her body like a warm embrace.

Emerging from the washroom, she found Kashan already lying on the bed, his eyes closed and hands cradling his head. It was evident that he was tired and battling a headache.

Without hesitation, Sarah positioned herself next to him, her caring nature urging her to offer relief.

She gently placed her hands on his temples, her fingers moving in soothing circles. "Is it hurting a lot?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Startled by her sudden presence, Kashan opened his eyes and looked at her, a mixture of surprise and gratitude in his gaze.

"Hey, what are you doing?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity. Sarah met his gaze with a gentle smile, her eyes shining with affection.

"I'm just massaging your head. I thought it might help ease your headache," she explained, her words filled with warmth and tenderness.

Politely declining her offer, Kashan assured her, "Thank you, my sweet Sarah, but I think I'll be okay.

It's just been a long day." His eyes were weary, and his yawns were frequent, indicating his desperate need for rest.

Sarah understood his unspoken exhaustion and settled beside him, her gaze fixed on his worried face.

Kashan said jokingly with closed eyes, "I know I am handsome but that doesn't mean you will look at me like this." This made Sarah blush and she turned the other way.


The clock struck three in the morning, and Sarah found herself waking from a peaceful slumber.

As she glanced at Kashan, still fast asleep, she didn't want to disturb his rest.

Quietly, she slipped out of bed and made her way to the washroom, careful not to make a sound.

With a sense of tranquility, Sarah performed her ablution, the water refreshing her body and soul.

She gently covered her head with a dupatta, a symbol of reverence and devotion.

Placing the prayer mat on the floor, she positioned herself towards the qibla, ready to embark on her tahajjud prayer.

In the stillness of the night, as the moon cast a soft glow through the window, Sarah immersed herself in prayer.

With each prostration and recitation, she felt a deep connection with her Creator.

The weight of her gratitude and love for Allah filled her heart as she poured out her wishes and desires.

"Ya Allah," she whispered, her voice filled with reverence and awe.

"You are the ultimate giver, the embodiment of kindness and forgiveness. I am eternally grateful for the blessing of Kashan in my life. I struggle to find the words to express my gratitude, but you understand the depths of my heart. Your love for us, your believers, surpasses even that of seventy mothers. I am overwhelmed by your mercy and grace."

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