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"It's been 18 long years, Mom and Dad, since we last set foot in Lucknow, India," Kashan said, his voice filled with nostalgia. "Indeed! We never imagined that we would return, and that too for our son's wedding," Nazia replied, her curiosity piqued. "So many memories are tied to this place," Haider added, his voice tinged with sentimentality.

As they reminisced about their past, Kashan couldn't contain his excitement and asked his parents, "Where will we be living?" His father, with a smile on his face, responded, "For now, we will stay at a hotel, but I am considering moving back to our old house, the place where we shared so many precious moments together."

"Where could she be now?" Kashan pondered, his mind drifting back to the memories of his childhood friend, Sarah. The years had passed, and their paths had diverged, leaving him with a longing to reconnect and discover where life had taken her. The thought of Sarah's absence at his upcoming wedding tugged at his heart, a bittersweet reminder of the bond they once shared.

But did she still remember him? Kashan wondered, a mix of hope and uncertainty swirling within him. He couldn't help but imagine the joy of inviting Sarah to his wedding, to share in the celebration of love and new beginnings. And what a twist it would be if he could tell her that his fiance's name was also Sarah, a serendipitous connection that would surely bring a smile to their faces.

As his thoughts wandered, Kashan couldn't help but wonder about Sarah's own journey. Had everything between her and Rehan turned out alright? Life had a way of weaving unexpected stories, and he hoped that Sarah had found happiness and fulfillment in her own unique way. He wondered how she had changed over the years, what she looked like now. The image of her face, etched in his memories, brought a gentle chuckle to his lips.


As Kashan entered the hotel room, he couldn't resist the urge to remove the curtains and open the window, allowing the gentle breeze to caress his face. Ah, the familiar sensation brought back a flood of childhood memories.

Feeling a sense of exhaustion from the journey, Kashan laid down on the comfortable bed and allowed himself to rest for a while. The anticipation of being back in Lucknow was overwhelming, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through his veins.

Later that evening, as they sat down for dinner, Kashan's father suggested informing Sarah's family, about their arrival in Lucknow. Nazia, his mother, agreed wholeheartedly with the idea. They made plans to visit Sarah once they had settled into their old home.

Kashan's mind wandered back to his childhood days, reminiscing about the times he spent with Sarah. He wondered if she still lived in Lucknow, and if so, how she had been all these years. The thought of reconnecting with his dear friend filled him with a mixture of nostalgia and anticipation. Oh, how he longed to see her again and relive those cherished memories.

"Does she still live there?" Kashan pondered aloud, his voice filled with excitement and curiosity.

In the calmness of her bedroom, there was a girl who couldn't contain her inner turmoil. "Sarah, you've taken him away from me, but mark my words, you'll regret it for the rest of your life," she whispered with a mix of anger and sadness.

Sarah, who was seating in a living room, quietly left, bidding her cousins farewell. Feeling exhausted, she decided to rest in her room, despite the mess that surrounded her. Tomorrow, Kashan and his family would be coming to see her, and she knew she had to clean up. Although she wasn't in the mood, a fluttering feeling in her stomach reminded her of the significance of this meeting. A smile struggled to appear on her face, but worry soon replaced it.

Thoughts of Rehan, the person about whom she had confessed her feelings for, filled her mind, and she couldn't help but worry about how Kashan would react. Sarah hadn't spoken to Kashan since that day, and the uncertainty weighed heavy on her heart.

As she prepared for the visit, the girl's emotions swirled within her, creating a mixture of anticipation, anxiety, and hope. Little did she know how this meeting would unfold and what it would mean for their intertwined lives.


In the early morning, Sarah emerged from her refreshing shower, feeling rejuvenated. As she stepped out, she noticed her mother bustling about, preparing breakfast. Sarah's father had just returned home, and he seemed intrigued by something. "It's strange," he remarked, piquing Sarah's curiosity. "What happened, Baba?" she asked eagerly, her mother Habiba and younger brother Adnaan also questioned. "Our neighbors mentioned that a family we haven't seen in eighteen years is coming back," her father shared. Habib continued,"Maybe it's the Ibrahim family, as the neighbors speculated." Habiba couldn't help but wonder why they were returning after all these years. "Why would they suddenly decide to come back now?" she pondered aloud.

These thoughts stirred something deep within Sarah, and a rush of nostalgia washed over her. In a hushed whisper, she uttered a single name, "Kashan." Memories from their childhood flooded her mind, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. The sudden reappearance of the Ibrahim family had sparked something inside her, leaving her intrigued and longing for the past. Those last words said by kashan echoed in her heart.

"Don't worry, Sarah. Even though I won't be physically there, our friendship will remain unchanged. I promise."

"I know it's hard, but remember, our friendship is strong. We can still share our stories, laughter, and even chocolates through messages and video calls. Distance may separate us physically, but it can't diminish the bond we share. And remember, you're never alone, Sarah. I'll always be there for you, no matter the distance."

Little did Sarah know that this unexpected reunion would unravel secrets, unveil buried emotions, and take her on a journey she never anticipated.

As Sarah enjoyed her breakfast, she couldn't contain her excitement. She eagerly retrieved her special box, filled with cherished items, and there it was—the beautiful album given by Kashan. With anticipation, she opened it, revealing a collection of precious childhood pictures with her best friend, Kashan. A smile adorned her face as she basked in the nostalgia.

But a twinge of sadness crept into Sarah's heart. She wondered if Kashan still remembered her, their adventures, and the bond they shared. He was not just a best friend but also a partner in crime, someone who even stood up for her against Rehan. Sarah couldn't help but wish that Kashan could be there with her on this significant day.

In that moment, Sarah realized something that took her by surprise—her fiancé's name was also Kashan. It was a bittersweet realization, as she yearned for the understanding and connection she had with her childhood friend. She hoped that her fiancé, too, would come to understand her in the same way.

Life has a way of intertwining our past and present, and Sarah's journey was about to take an unexpected turn as she navigated the complexities of her relationships and discovered the true meaning of understanding and connection.

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