Chapter 14

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About a week later

Things weren't going as I planned. Since the incident, every morning I had to make sure I drank the medication. I could not believe I had to be dependent on a substance or else I would die.

This couldn't be the way things would be forever. If I had forgotten to take it I would have just died without a second thought. It was terrifying, but more than anything, it was annoying. But I didn't have time to be worrying about this right now, there were more important matters.


I was in my room talking to the others. Something  felt like it was missing. Like we didn't accomplish anything. And now to make things more complicated, Alex was on medication that if he even skipped a day he would die.

I had mixed feelings about last week and I'm not even sure why.

"Iniya? Hello?" Sonu said, poking my arm. "Should we just leave?" I said suddenly. I didn't think staying here would do anything at this point. We had completely destroyed the main building and killed so many people yet the organization still stood high.

"Leave? You mean the house?" Namya asked. I sighed. "Let's go somewhere far and pretend nothing happened." I said. "We bombed and destroyed the organization building yet because of the website it's like no damage ever happened." I said in disappointment.

"There's one more building." Namya said in surprise. She had her laptop on her lap. The women crowded around her. "You're joking." I said in total disbelief. They looked at the website that showed pictures of the other building. But there wasn't a single man in the picture. It was all women.

My eyes widened at the site. After everything we've been through we had totally missed the fact that they were making profit directly from the women. If we made an escape plan and freed them it would have been over. How did we completely miss this? We knew that the organization gained profit from them so if they were freed they would not make profit after that.

"What the hell are we even doing? They're obviously making profit from that building, nothing else. If we make an escape plan for them it's over for the organization." I said looking at Namya.

"But there's the website. It tracks and profits from women online." Julianne said.

End of Iniya's POV

"Then we'll sabotage the website and that building." Sonu said. Iniya groaned. She laid flat on the floor just looking up at the ceiling. "Tell me, how are we going to do that? You know how many times I've tried to take the website down? There's too many barriers. The most I was able to do was to disable it for a short amount of time." Iniya said.

"Imagine sucking so bad that you can't take down a website. Aren't you a pro at coding or something?" Logan said, barging into the room. Liam was beside him.

"Can you get out?" Namya said. "Why should I?" Logan said.

"Oh my gosh he's going to take his revenge!" Sonu said. Her Iniya and Julianne started laughing. 

Logan gritted his teeth. "Shut up Sonu." he said, kicking one of their shoes onto the ground. "I don't shut up, I grow up." Sonu said. "Alex asks what you guys want to eat." Logan said annoyedly.

"I want pizzaa!" Liam said, stretching out the word. "I want pizza too!" Julianne said, jumping up excitedly.


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