Chapter 4

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It seemed like it would be a quiet card ride but surprisingly that was not the case. Alex looked at Iniya. She still didn't respond. "Is that a bad thing that we know?" Iniya said quietly. Alex was wearing a black coat with a dark red buttoned shirt tucked into slick black pants. His hair was jet black and slick with some strands falling towards his face. He had a strong jawline and a nice complexion. "Not in particular."

He said looking at the mirror. Sonu was just plain awkward in the back of the car. "Is your house big?" Julianne blurted out. Liam poked his head at where Sonu Julianne and Henry were sitting. "You should see it! It's huge! Like a mansion!" He said in a childlike manner. Julianne's eyes sparkled. She looked at sonu. "We're gonna live in a mansion!" Julianne said, shaking her excitedly.

Namya did not say a word. She was uncomfortable about the fact she was sitting next to Logan. "Why do we need a bunch of lousy women to help us again?" Logan said poking alex. Liam started to laugh. Namya looked at him coldly. Alex did not say a word. "Are you going to cry?" Logan said his face getting closer to Namya's just mocking her. Namya smacked him.

"OW!" he yelled. Julianne started laughing which made Liam and Sonu laugh as well. These idiots need to calm the hell down. Iniya thought. "I heard you guys were dangerous women in this part of Nevada. We talked to some of the locals and they said you guys had a bit of a reputation." Alex said.

His eyes were focused on Iniya. Iniya noticed this but pretended like she didn't. She was nervous for some reason and she didn't know why. Iniya looked at the wheel where his hands were. You could see the veins in his hands.

Iniya found that oddly attractive. "So, you know your way with wine huh?" He said simply. Iniya chuckled nervously. "Yeah. It's been a passion of mine." she said simply. "You're good with gambling right? That's so cool!" Liam said, rocking himself back and forth. He was very jittery. "You could say that." Julianne said flattered. Namya looked at Logan. He noticed this and scoffed.

"What? You think  I'm going to say 'Oh you're known for assassinations! So cool! So dark!' you look like a fool." He said, mocking her. "I wasn't waiting for you to say that. Rather how you guys know what we do." Namya said losing her patients. "So you guys know everything about us? Like our jobs and lifestyle?" Sonu said.

Henry was right next to Sonu. He was on his phone and he did not say a word. Sonu was confused. She had realized since the time they met them he had not said a single word. What does this guy think he's tough or something? Showoff. Sonu thought. "Were spies like Alex said. We do it for mostly sketchy or bad organizations. The United States already has enough crimes and since the government is shit and doesn't do jack about it so we contribute.

This organization however is giving us some conflict." Logan said. "Oh that actually makes sense." Iniya said quietly. There was still one thing they didn't understand. "When we first met you, you guys attacked us in the restaurant.
I want an answer for why you guys did that. Also we killed you guys with guns. We saw it. Unless it wasn't you guys." Julianne said.

Liam had a 3 word answer. "Bullet proof vest." He said simply. It was such a simple answer yet it made sense. Iniya felt dumb that they had not concluded that. It was so simple. "As for the day we attacked you guys, that was simply a diversion. That was before we were wanted in the organization. As soon as I had you guys cornered I put the gun towards you as it may have seemed. In reality a member from the organization was behind you guys.

Instead of shooting you I shot the member instead." Alex said. It was quiet. "At the end we got in trouble though because apparently some of the other members were standing outside who witnessed the scene. They were the same people who reported back to Orgain." Logan explained. "Woah." Iniya said softly. Finally everything or at least a few things were coming together.

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