Chapter 9

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All of them were in the house planning how they would break into the organization and destroy everything they had. This is what it had come to. Julianne was grabbing all the weapons and everything and placing it all in the living room. Iniya was hacking into the security of the organization and trying to manage to destroy their website, at least temporarily. She remembered Lola telling her that if the website was down it basically meant everything was down.

Liam was helping Julianne with the guns and weapons. The other guys were planning and talking about how it should go down. Namya was listening to their planning and was contributing and making changes to the way they should have done things. "You think this is the time we'll get rid of them for good?" Liam asked. "I really hope so.'' Julianne said. "I managed to stop their website temporarily and the security and alarms are now all off." Iniya said. "What really?" Logan said. Henry signed 'that's impressive.' Iniya picked up on it. She smiled.

Sonu, little by little started teaching her and the other sign. It was really useful. For the times they didn't understand what Henry was saying they all just talked in morse code since all of them knew it. Henry took a deep breath. He got their attention.

The reason why he was mute was because not only of the organization but because of his brother. He was living a lie that if he talked someone would die. He was having a hard time coming to terms with it. But he wanted to talk. He needed to talk. He didn't want his brother's words to haunt his mind. To haunt his want for talking.
Henry was even pissed at times that his brother made him like this. He didn't want to be like this. He wanted to rebel and be free from this curse that his brother had given him. If he talked it would be like he was setting himself free. He wanted to be free. He didn't want his brother to control him any longer.

"What is it?" Julianne said. Henry was nervous but he took a deep breath. "I'm going to.. I'm going to try and talk more." He said finally.

Alex Liam and Logan couldn't believe what they were hearing. Logan's eyes sparkled. It had been such a long time since they last heard him talk. His voice was deep but soft. "Your voice is so beautiful." Sonu said. "Take all the time you need." Iniya said.

He was surprised at how supportive they all were. "It's really good to hear your voice again." Logan said. Liam just started balling. "dO yoU nEeD a hUg?" Liam said, hugging him. I think Liam needs more of a hug than Henry did. Julianne and Namya started laughing. Alex was glad. It would be good for him to open up again. Like he was before. Zander ruined that for him.

But hopefully that wouldnt be the case anymore.

All of them were in the living room. The tv was on but no one was paying attention to it. "Orgain comes back tomorrow right?" Julianne said. Liam nodded. "Hikomi said he'll be back by that time." He said. "How do you know this Himoki guy? I think I've seen him a few times when we were in the organization." Logan said.

"He came around to my office to borrow a pencil. He said that I was like the little brother he's never had." Liam said. "Wait, how old is this guy?" Alex said.

"I think he's 26." Liam said.

"He used to bug me all the time and he also used to cover up for me if I made a small mistake. He had my back and I had his but I started to not see him anymore." Liam said.

"On the plane when we were fighting he bit one of the guys and he dropped dead." Julianne said. "Oh yeah I saw that too." Sonu said. Iniya nodded.

"I'm pretty sure his body is just filled with poison now that on command he can make the poison go down on his teeth." Liam said. "How is that possible?" Namya said. "I think they've messed up his genetics or body so bad he can do freaky things like that." Liam said.

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