Chapter 8

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It had been a few days after the chaos of the organization. It was cloudy and windy. Today was cold. They had a fireplace in the living room and it was warm and toasty. Liam and Julianne were sitting beside the fire. Namya Iniya and Sonu were sitting on the sofa drinking hot chocolate. Julianne got up and sat with them.

"Since we're not doing anything, can we go play pachinko? It's been such a long time!" Julianne said excitedly. "Oh yeah! Let's go to the cashino we always go to. Golden nugget!" Sonu said. Iniya felt so much nostalgia. "And my job as a bartender.." she said, smiling at the nostalgia. "We should go later in the day." Namya said. Liam got up. "I've never seen your guys actual skills and hobbies. That will be cool to watch." Liam said.
He thought it was cool that Julianne was a prodigy at gambling. He remembered looking up with Logan about these women when they first came to Las vegas. They were their first step to helping them stop the organization too. He also remembered learning about Iniya's winery, Sonu's smuggling and Namya's assassinations. He thought it was so cool.

Logan and Alex came into the room. Alex was beating him at betting games and Logan was getting sick of it. "I bet I can beat you at any gambling game." Julianne said, looking at logan. She was smirking all high and mighty. Logan rolled his eyes. "You? There's no way you can beat me at gambling." Logan said. Julianne shrugged. "Wanna find out?" she said snickering.

Julianne bolted out to get roulette. She brought it back. While Julianne was setting up the game Logan remembered something. He left the room then came back quickly. He gave it to Liam then went and sat on the living room table to play roulette with Julianne. Liam sighed annoyedly. "These are the laptops. Oh yeah and your new phone Namya since someone decided to break it." Liam said sarcastically. All the women crowded around Liam and got the laptops and phone. "Thank you, this means a lot. Without our laptops and general electronics it was starting to give us a hard time." Namya said. "I can finally code." Iniya said happily as she opened the laptop. It was a beautiful cream color with a clear and polished screen. Sonu admired the laptops. Namya was glad to finally have a phone again.

"HA I WON!" Julianne screamed as she jumped up in victory. "HOW THE FUCK." Logan said in disbelief. "You cheated!" he yelled. "You're such a loser you can't even admit defeat!" Julianne said, mocking him. "Go to hell!" Logan said. "You first." Julianne said as she threw the game piece at him. She started laughing and pointing at Logan while doing so. "You have a big forehead." he said, sticking his middle finger at her. "Don't comment about my forehead." Julianne said annoyed. "But it's big. I'm just stating the obvious." Logan said. Julianne kicked him which made him fall to the floor. "Hotpot." Julianne said snickering.

Henry came into the room and sat on the floor. Sonu signed hello to him. "Should we go now?" Namya said, getting up from the sofa and stretching. "Yeah, let's go now." Julianne said. "Wait! Let's all wear something fancy like we usually do when we go to the cashino." Iniya said. They all excitedly ran out of the living room and went into their rooms to change. "Why are they dressing all fancy? It's just the cashino." Liam said laying on the sofa swinging his legs back and forth. "I can't believe she won." Logan said. He was so salty about it.

Alex looked at Henry and Liam. They started to chuckle mischievously. At night they were up thinking about pranking Logan. They were starting to get pissed because before they met the women Logan was always pulling something up his sleeve. If they didn't prank him, at least they would get to mess around with him a bit.

"So.." Liam started out. He was trying so hard not to laugh. "About Namya.. Did you see how she handled the situation yesterday? It was really cool." Liam said. "Oh yeah definitely. She was such a badass for shooting the projector." Alex said. Henry started to sign. 'She's got real guts to do that. Her hatred for men is intriguing.' All of them nodded. Liam was about to combust.

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