Chapter 3

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The four women looked at them unforgivingly. They had already been through so much. With so much violence in their lives, they could barely catch a break. Since they never actually got treatment for Sonu things just ended up worse and Sonu got injured badly than she did before.
And now on top of that, the rest of them ended up in pretty bad shape and it didn't seem like they would get treatment anytime soon. They weren't in their right mind plus also their bodies were completely restless and in pain 24/7.

There was no way of them being able to assassinate the guys of the organization. Worse, they would probably get to them and kill them before Iniya, Sonu, Julianne and Namya could even take a breath to think about it. Even though the women were holding up their guns cornering the guys that were tied up in the ground the woman seemed totally exhausted.

With Julianne being blacked out and not getting much time to recover, Sonus's bruises, Iniya's skin being cut by glass, and Namya being tied by the neck they were in terrible condition and the guys could obviously tell.

They didn't even have a good understanding of what was really going on and why these guys even came to their house in the first place. They were all exhausted to the core and all of them just wanted peace at least for a minute.

Their minds weren't sharp and they didn't even know if the guys were part of the organization. Namya started to regret it and it showed. She wanted to kill them right there and then but she couldn't.

Maybe they needed to tell us something important and also if they did work for the organization they could hold them captive and get important details or data from them instead of just killing them straight away. Plus if they killed them it could cause more problems in the future if they worked for the organization Namya thought.

"We want an explanation. But try anything funny and it's over for you." Iniya said. Namya nodded. The sun started to appear. It was a cool afternoon and people in the streets of Las Vegas started to crowd along the places such as the cafes and restaurants.

It was always busy and crowded so it wasn't much of a surprise.  Alex started to talk. "We so-called 'work for the organization' but in reality were just spies. The organization uses weapons to track the locations of women throughout the United States.

Not only that but they used their website to track mostly children and women. There's been a lot of women and children in particular who have gone missing or have been found dead. Not just in Los Vegas but in every other state. California, Florida, and Texas have the highest rates of kidnapping, and it's because of the organization.

They profit from them by killing them and selling their organs or bodies in general. When it comes to the women they harass and use them for sex trafficking to make a disgusting amount of money." Alex explained. Namya's grip on the gun tightened. Julianne and Sonu felt horrified and disgusted but their faces remained the same.

Calm and controlled. Sonu didn't know how much she could take though. She felt repulsed and wanted to throw up. Iniya looked angry. Pissed off by the whole explanation.

"You're helping them?" Iniya said pointing her gun closer to them her voice showing a calm tone. Iniya didn't want to be calm. Who could be calm at a time like this? She wanted to scream to get violent and release all her pent-up frustration.

"Were Just spy's as I said before. Were against the organization. Orgain was telling us about our next plans. He said that in Nevada, Los Vagas there were 4 women who had a reputation for doing odd jobs and making loads of money off it. That was our next target." Alex finished. "We don't do odd jobs," Julianne said annoyed.

Iniya and Namya did not look convinced. "So what were you intending to do when you came?" Sonu said looking at Alex. "Warning you." He said simply. It was quiet. The women looked at each other.

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