Chapter 10

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"How do you know my name?" she said. "Because you seem like a basic bitch." he said. "Named lola." he finished. She got up and tugged on his collar shaking him. "Are you trying to get a rise out of me? Are you mental?!" she yelled. She huffed and puffed. She needed to calm down. It wasnt like her to loose her edge. She sat down and looked at him. He started to smirk. "You know what? I kinda like you lola." he said out of the blue. Lola looked at him. She wanted to kill him. But she didnt. "If you wont tell me your intentions thats fine. I just need to know what you and the organization are planning to do now and were there located." Lola said.

"Orgain? He's off to kill the women again. Pew pew pew." he said shooting with finger guns. "How is someone like you in the organization?" lola muttered. She then stood up and pointed the gun at him. Her finger was on the trigger. "If you don't answer the rest of my question and cooperate, I'm going to kill you." she said sharply.

Hikomi gulped. "How do you know about the 'women'? What women are you even referring to?" Lola said. It was silent for a moment. "I was the one flying the plane to brazil. They wanted to stop orgain. They told me that they thought their families were going to be killed there but I told them they werent and that was just a ploy.

I was the one who took them back to america." he said. Lola looked confused. The smoke filled the air. Hikomi seemed to be affected by it. "Can you give me one?" he said. "No. your going to answer my questions. With that information i have more to question you about." she said. "Let me take a whiff. Is that so bad?" he said looking at her. She sighed. "For every question you answer ill blow the smoke into your mouth." Lola said. Hikomi started to giggle. "You're a dirty girl Lola." he said looking at her mischievously.

His playful manner was really getting to her. She manged to ignore that comment. "So why did you help them? Are you on there side?" she said. "Nope." he replied. "So what? Im trying to understand why you helped them." Lola said. "What side are you even on?" she asked. Hikomi got up and leaned his head towards her. "Wanna find out?" he said. Big mistake. Lola had enough of this asshole. She shoved the gun in his mouth.

Hikomi wasn't expecting that. He started to gag. His tongue was just everywhere on the gun and lola kept moving it around his mouth. Hikomi pulled away and started to cough. She noticed something on his arm and neck. It was like lighting marks.

They were purplish. She grabbed his arm and started to inspect it. She was very rough and squeezed his arm when she looked at the marks. "Do you have to be this rough?" Hikomi said catching his breath. "What are these?" Lola said ignoring the question. "Theres a lot of poison inside my body especially in that particular area. So it shows more clearly." Hikomi said.

Lola looked at it carefully. "Poison?" she asked. "I got injected by a lot of poison. Im like a test subject for orgain." he said. Lola dropped his arm. "Serves you right." she said coldly. She then blew smoke into his mouth. It filled his lungs as he inhaled it. It felt good.

"One more thing. Do you have any clue where the organization is going?" Lola said sternly. "If not back to the building then i have no clue." he said. Lola sighed. She went and untied him and kicked him out of the room. "I hope i never have to see you again. I just might kill your pathetic self. Your lucky that i havent killed you by now." Lola said. She then slammed the door. Hikomi waved his wrists around. There were marks from the rope. He put his hands in his pockets and started to walk away while whislening a tune.

Lola was writing everything down in a notebook so she wouldn't forget what he had told her. While he did give her something to work with she was totally stuck on why he even helped the women. And he didn't even give her any information of where or what the organization was going to do now. Why was he even in that organization?

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