Chapter 52

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Live her life

Azazel was done. She was done with the ministry's bullshit. She had protected all these people for years and they treated her like a criminal.

She walked out of the ministry after almost two months. She had obliged with all the investigations, even her personal life was meddled with. She had watched Tom being dragged in questioned like he was some rag doll.

But he made sure to hold his head high and answer all the absurd questions.

He had admitted to being in love with her. He had admitted to getting married. There wasn't much he could do when legal documents were thrown his way. They shouldn't have registered their marriage. Azazel had watched all of it from the other side. He did not know she was there but she could see him.

He looked the same. Dashing as ever but the spark in his eyes was missing.

Then they meddled with her past. They had asked about everything from when she was created. Now they knew everything about her.

She was sure all of it would be released in media and newspapers.

She really did not like Tom being dragged into all of this. The knights were left out because of their influencial status. But Tom had no one to get him out of shit like this.

Her lawyer walked beside her with her head held high. Azazel was relieved to have such a talented lawyer.

Her dark skin glowed under the lights and her curly hair was perfectly put into a bun while her dress fit her perfectly.

Lara was a women of power and radiance. Azazel looked up to her while Lara looked up to Azazel.

A duo of two deadly women was the most dangerous.

"Questions will be thrown to provoke you. Don't answer any if you don't want to." Azazel nodded as her bold voice carried through her ears.

When the ministry doors opened to the outside world and Azazel stepped out she was swarmed by the press and journalists.

"Miss Bellum! Is it true you are the heir of Hogwarts?! Does that mean you will inherit the school?!" She ignored and walked forward. Inherit Hogwarts? It was built for the people and no one else.

"Did you really kill more than a billion wizards?!" What the fuck? She sighed and pushed through the reporters and flashing cameras.

More questions were thrown as she tried reaching the taxi waiting for her.

"What about your relationship with Tom Riddle?! A student from Hogwarts. Did you really seduce him?!" Azazel stopped dead in her tracks and her head snapped towards the nutjob who asked that question.

"Did you two get married like he said? Or is he just trying get attention using your friendship?!" She was losing her temper now.

She did not like how they potrayed herself and Tom. Their relationship was not one of discussion.

"Do not bring my relationships into this. I would like for my personal life to be private. Any other questions related to what I've done for you people over the years, will be answered. Keep my friends out of this." She declared and walked away.

"Are you suggesting you sacrificed your life for the wizarding community and saved them?"

"So even before the aurors arrive the place seems in perfect condition. Was that all because of you?!"

Azazel was relieved that they concentrated on the important things now. She got into the car while Lara answered their questions and relaxed against the seat.

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