Chapter 16

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The ball

The house elves rushed here and there as they tried arranging everything perfectly even though everything looked perfect already. Azazel yawned and rubbed her eyes as she just walked aimlessly in the Malfoy manor with her eyes closed.

Suddenly she felt her legs being raised from the ground and hands around her torso. She screeched and held onto the hands. "What the hell?!" She tried to twist her body and see who it was but failed miserably.

"Who's it? Put me down. I am grumpy" she was only lifted higher "Find me." Azazel sighed "Avery! Put me down!" The person threw her up a little and caught her again making her yelp. "Nope. Wrong answer" Azazel wiggled in his grip and hissed in frustration. "I give up! Who is it?"

She was back on her own feet and twirled to see who it was. "Harry Parkinson! I am going to kill you!" She hit him in his arm and the older boy laughed.

"Why the long face?" He asked as they made their way towards the dining area for breakfast. "Sleep deprived" Azazel answered and he hummed in response.

"I am starving" Azazel said in a loud voice as she took a seat beside Avery who was half way through his breakfast.

"Tell me something, when are you not starving?" Adélard shook his head and flicked her forehead. Azazel gasped and picnhed his arm harshly making the boy wince and swat her hand away. "Don't talk about how much a girl eats!" Azazel scowled at him and went back to her breakfast.

"Listen up everyone" the Malfoy heir stood up. "All your dresses and suits will be placed in your respective rooms by today evening. Since it's new year eve, things will be crazy and I don't want anymore crazy things happening because of you" He said and sent a glare towards Avery, Lestrange and Bellum. The three only raised their hands in the air and gave innocent looks.

"And there are taxis coming today, anyone who wishes to visit the town can use them. And it would be great if you all decide to leave because it's way easier to get everything ready if none of you are here" he said and the group nodded understanding.

"So who all are going?" He asked and no one responded making him pissed. He clearly wanted everyone to leave. "I swear to-" before he could finish what he was going to say everyone stood up and muttered they are leaving to the town. Abraxas looked at everyone with a done face and shook his head before walking away too.

"Azz! I'll go with you to the town!" Valerie said with a bright smile and Azazel smiled back. "Sure. I'll just change and be right back" Valerie nodded and Azazel went to change before coming back in a few minutes.

"Shall we?" Azazel asked and Valerie smiled before locking hands with her and dragging her out of the manor.

"Mind if we join you?" Avery and Nott stood before them. "No, we don't" Valerie said and Azazel smiled. "Where's Rosier?" Azazel asked and Avery rolled his eyes "Riddle took him somewhere. Don't know where" Azazel frowned but let it go.

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