Chapter 17

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Three hours

3 hours.

It had been 3 hours since everything happened.

3 hours since Azazel Bellum fell down the Malfoy Manor.

3 hours since Tom Riddle's heart almost stopped beating.

3 hours since the Malfoys fled abandoning their only heir.

3 hours since Adélard Avery lost his consciousness.

3 hours since Raphaël Rosier sobbed himself to abyss.

3 hours since Reginald Nott threw himself across the room to keep Tom Riddle safe.

3 hours since Christopher Lestrange broke down.

3 hours since Valerie Parkinson watched her brother get tortured.

3 hours since chaos ensued.


Tom Riddle rushed down the stairs and yelled in the most loudest voice ever.

"Abraxas! Lock the gates! Hold for as long as you can!" Malfoy didn't question his lord and obliged. He gathered a few maids and workers and rushed out to lock the gates with magic as more than hundreds of men marched towards it.

"Everyone! Out through the back door! Now! Now! Avery, Parkinson rush everyone out!" Tom yelled and made his way out the manor doors as Adélard and Harry rushed everyone in the party outside. No one questioned him. That's how much power and authority he held. They believed him beyond the skies.

Mrs Malfoy and Mr Malfoy were already out and didn't bother taking their son. If it was the confidence they had in their son or they didn't care, Tom would never know.

Tom rushed towards the bottom of the balcony from where Azazel Bellum decided to fall and put them all in misery.

They were here for her. To get her. To destroy her. And she made it easy for them.

The knights were strong. Yes. But Tom didn't know for how long they could hold against the hundreds of men and God knows what else is beyong those gates.

Malfoy was yelling frantically and holding up his wand like his life depended on it. It did.

Tom took in the sight of Azazel Bellum as she lay on the hard ground. Her own blood pooling around her along with her hair. Her head was shattered and he did not want to know what else was. Bile rose up his throat and he almost gagged from the sight of her.

He didn't even want to touch her, because that would only break her bones more than they already were. And so he levitated her and rushed into the manor. Her limp, lifeless body floating behind him. Blood dripped all the way to the inside and where he layed her down on the floor.

"What happened?!" Rosier was the first person to run up to her, behind him trailed Valerie.

"Don't touch her. She needs to heal" Tom said with irritation etching his voice and Rosier just stared with horror. Valerie seemed unfazed as she stood straing.

"What is happening?" She asked looking at her lord. "They are here. For her."

"You see why I said bringing her here was an incredibly stupid idea?!" Lestrange let out in frustration and arranged all his bows and arrows if anything was to happen.

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