Chapter 32

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I love you

"What now? You both are again back to zero?" Adélard mused out loud as he dropped himself on the couch beside Azazel. She was sulking the whole day and any one could see it. Tom was out doing whatever he was doing and Raphaël, Nott, Christopher accompanied him while Valerie had decided to visit her parents before school started and won't be back until tomorrow.

"I hate men!" She groaned and buried her head into his shoulders and Adélard groaned too. "I hate men too!" He said and Azazel looked up at him while frowning.

"What?" Adélard sighed and looked at her with sad eyes and Azazel felt bad. With all the drama in her life she forgot about her bestfriend and what was happening in his life.

"Is it Raphaël?" She asked and Adélard slumped further into the couch which said everything. Azazel layed on his lap and stared up at his face and noticed only now the bags under his eyes, the stubble he had going on, his hair which looked so fluffy and soft all the time was matted down and sticking to his forehead. In whole he looked miserable.

"What happened?" Azazel asked and Adélard sighed. "He's being distant. He won't talk to me about anything. Won't kiss me, sleep on the same bed as me. Hell! He won't even sleep in the same room as me!" He said and she could see he was trying so hard not to cry by the way he blinked rapidly and bit his lip so hard.

"It's okay love. He'll definitely figure it out soon." Adélard shook his head. "No Azz. You don't understand. When we started this relationship, I was only seeing if anything would come out of it. Because in the beginning, I did not see Raphaël in any other way but as my bestfriend and someone I wanted to protect with everything I had. But as I started spending time with him and seeing him in a different way, I knew I've always liked him. I've always found it really cute how he was smaller than the other guys and was always scaring away anyone that approached him. I thought I was protecting him but truly I did that because I had always liked him." He paused and sniffed as a tear escaped his chocolate brown eyes and Azazel wiped it away. She did not like seeing him cry. She will have a talk with Raphaël Rosier for hurting her friend like this.

"Then I started falling for him. I like him Azazel, so much. I like him so much." He said and Azazel got up and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her and let the tears flow. "He was the one who wanted us. Now he doesn't? I am seriously losing my mind here." He said as they pulled away and Azazel wiped the remaining tears.

He huffed and crossed his arms, his nose was red from crying and his eyes were red too. He looked adorable.

"I am going to make him apologize for everything he is doing to me now! I swear to my whiskey." He huffed again and Azazel was surprised at how fast his mood changed. He was sad one second and the next he was mad, cute mad.

"What happened with yours?" He turned to her and it was Azazel's turn to sigh and rant. "In my case, I think it's my fault. I might've told something around still loving someone from the past." His eyes widened and a funny grin adorned his face. "An ex?" He asked in amusement and she only nodded in defeat.

"Why would you do that?!" He exclaimed and Azazel galred at him. "He was the one who first stated that I still love the person! I just admitted to it!" She exclaimed herself and Adélard gave her a smack across her head and she winced.

"What was that for?!" He only shook his head at her. "Azazel, really? You admitted it? He was testing you and you admit to it? What even made him state that?!" Azazel looked down at her lap and mumbled to herself. "I didn't hear you, what?"

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