Chapter 10

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Let the holidays begin

The carriages were being filled with students as they made their way to the station. Azazel stood with her trunk and gazed up at the sky and smiled as she waited for her friends. Rosier and Avery soon made their way towards her, holding their own luggages.

"What's your plan for the holidays before the New Year Ball?" Adélard queried. "I don't know. Maybe I'll do some charity work. The muggle war is taking a toll on everyone. It's the least I can do, besides I don't have anything better to do." Raphaël smiled at that and nodded.

"Boring" Adélard commented and Raphaël swatted him across his head. "She's not a mindless buffoon like you Ad" Adélard did not look pleased by that comment and scowled. Azazel scoffed and flicked his forehead with her fingers.

Soon Lestrange, Nott, Malfoy and Parkinson walked out of the castle and joined them.

"Where's Riddle?" That was Azazel's first question as they approached her. Riddle had been avoiding her and she did not like it. He was trying to run away from what she had said. Instead of thinking through everything, he was shutting himself off, like he always did. It was the exact opposite of what she wanted.

"He'll be joining us in a few-" Nott did not have to finish his sentence as their lord walked towards them with his own trunk. He looked handsome as always, his hair was messy, he wore a green sweater over his dress shirt. His eyes were a brighter blue and Azazel couldn't look away. She loved it when his hair was messy, it made him look innocent and normal, but he was not.

"Let the holidays begin!" Avery yelled and opened his flask of fire whiskey, he took a long sip before passing it on. Azazel politely refused and Tom was never given the flask itself.

The group soon seated themselves in two carriages. One had, Rosier, Avery, Valerie and Malfoy while the other had Lestrange, Nott, Riddle and Bellum.

She regretted not going in the other carriage immediately after they were seated. Three pairs of piercing eyes glared at her. None of them liked her and she could sense the hatred seeping through her skin. She shuddered at their intense stares and pulled her coat tighter around her.

"You are going to burn holes into me if you keep glaring like that" she muttered and the boys looked away and rolled their eyes. They really did not like her and it did not bother Azazel. "I see you don't drink" Nott tried making conversation and Azazel appreciated it.

"Yes. My tolerance to alcohol is similar to how much Lestrange can tolerate me" she joked and earned a scoff from the Lestrange heir. "Which means you'll be out in your first glass" Lestrange quipped and Azazel agreed.

"And, I think it makes your mind foggy. I prefer to be in control of myself" Nott smirked "You just sounded like someone sitting beside me." Tom Riddle turned his head to them on being mentioned "Don't" that's all he said and Nott shut up. No one tried talking after that and it was a painfully awkward ride. Azazel just wanted to jump out of the carriage and walk to the station. Thankfully they arrived in the station in a few minutes and Azazel jumped out of it immediately.

"See you in the ball guys!" She announced to the three of them before walking off to the train. If she stayed there for another minute, the dislike would've killed her, she scoffed at her own thoughts before getting into a compartment where Avery and Rosier were already seated.

Avery's head rested on Rosier's lap as the French boy was in his own world, reading a book. "My eyes" Azazel gagged and Adélard scowled at her, the witch sat opposite to them. "You are alive" Rosier commented knowing that the witch had travelled with the three brutes. "It's not like I can die" Azazel sighed and took her own book out.

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