Chapter 35

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"She here yet?" Azazel had a glare set on her small face and made her way through the crowd of people waiting for the train

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"She here yet?" Azazel had a glare set on her small face and made her way through the crowd of people waiting for the train. People parted, making a way for the group as they walked behind Azazel with similar, hard looks on their faces.

"Who?" Valerie asked and Azazel glanced at Rosier who was gulping but still glared at anyone who dared look at them eye to eye. Tom who was walking beside Azazel couldn't help but smirk at the way Azazel was intimidating everyone without trying.

"Rosier's fiance." Azazel spilled the beans and Rosier cursed under his breath as they came to a stop in their usual spot where they waited for the train.

"What?" Adélard was the first one to break the silence and he glared at Azazel and Raphaël. The hurt and pain in his eyes making both of them look away.

"Is that why you've been distant Rosier? Because you found someone better?" Adélard seethed, his voice low as to not attract attention. Raphaël's eyes widened and he shook his head. "What? No! You think I am leaving you for someone on my own accord? It's my father Adélard." He tried reasoning but Adélard only cursed and looked away, running a hand through his hair and taking a gulp from his flask.

"Why did none of us know about this?" Nott asked and Rosier sighed. "I didn't know how to tell you all. It all happened so fast. I myself haven't seen her yet." The group only shared looks and shrugged while Adélard fumed silently. He was holding himself back.

"Excuse me?" They all turned to the small voice and each of them had different expressions. Nott, Christopher and Abraxas couldn't help but almost whistle at the beauty infront of them. Valerie and Azazel frowned and shared sceptical looks. Tom was unfazed and he payed no attention to the girl and went back to looking at his shoes. Adélard was frowning too while Rosier looked confused but was expecting something.

"Do any of you know where I can find Raphaël Rosier?" Her soft, small voice carried to their ears and realisation dawned upon all of them. Even Tom gave her a second look and couldn't help but smirk at what drama would occur.

"You don't have to find him. He's right here." Chirstopher pushed Rosier to the front and towards the girl. She gave them a small smile and looked at Raphaël before her cheeks tinted a rosy pink.

"I am Aurora Greengrass. Nice to meet you all." She smiled widely and extended her hand towards Rosier who only stared at her with trembling lips and hands.

"It's not nice at all." Azazel grumbled beside Tom and he snickered earning a glare from her. The girl's smile seemed to falter and her extended hand dropped slowly. But Abraxas was fast to grab it and give her one of his golden smiles. "Nice to meet you too. Abraxas Malfoy." Her eyes seemed to light up and she smiled again. "Abraxas Malfoy? I've heard a lot about your family and you! It's good to finally meet you."

One by one everyone introduced themselves and Tom, Azazel, Adélard and Rosier only remained. Aurora made her way towards Azazel and smiled at her. Aurora was taller than Azazel but that did not intimidate Azazel and she glared at the girl. Aurora was fast to notice the hostility but still extended her hand.

"I sense hostility." Aurora smiled and Azazel glared at her hand before turning her sharp gaze to the new girl. "Well, you sensed right then." Azazel bit and Aurora almost flinched at the coldness of her voice. Tom nudged her side and gave her a look. Azazel sighed and took Aurora's hand in hers.

"Azazel Bellum." She said and Aurora's eyes widened and she pulled her hand away and rummaged through the small bag she was carrying. She pulled out a newspaper and turned the pages until she got the specific one and her eyes widened, recognition clouding her eyes.

"It is you." She muttered and looked at Azazel before her gaze shifted to Tom. He frowned and extended his hand for the paper. She gave it to him and his frown deepend when he saw what was written.

"Did Azazel Bellum attack Grindelwald's men once again in his own base? The sources say she was seen in his base right after the attack in Malfoy manor and right after that day, hundreds of Grindelwald's men went missing.

Azazel Bellum was heard quoting "He hurt you. I had to do it." To her romantic interest Tom Riddle who is also a  student in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Their classmate Henry Weasley says "Yes. Everyone knows they both are together. Ever since they returned after the attack in Malfoy manor we all could see it and there are rumours that Azazel Bellum killed a few people for Tom Riddle. He's not the perfect boy like everyone thinks he is."

Is it true that Azazel Bellum is not the normal student like we all think she is? Is Tom Riddle involved in this too?

- Emily Skeeter

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Azazel tore the paper into pieces and fumed in anger. "When did this wretched thing get published?!" She almost yelled and Aurora flinched. "Today" she muttered and Azazel groaned.

"Who the fuck is this Emily Skeeter?!" Azazel was fuming at this point.

How did this woman know so much? Only Tom knew about what she did and it says someone heard her say it to him. Her eyes widened and she looked at Tom who was also looking at her with the same look.

"Someone was there in the bedroom." She said and he nodded feeling threatened. Someone was watching them, always, maybe even now.

"Romantic interest?" Reginald snickered and ended up recieving glares from his lord and Azazel.

"If this Emily knows so much, it only means she knows more and she is waiting to release everything in the right time. I think you should take precautions Riddle." Raphaël said and Tom only clenched his fists and closed his eyes. Azazel could sense he was fuming and trying so hard to control his anger.

"Henry Weasley. Who is he?" Tom asked and Abraxas was the one to answer. "Pureblood, Gryffindor. Only uses hand me downs" he snorted before continuing. "Just a attention seeking big mouth." Tom opened his eyes and let out a breath, his calm demeanor surfacing.

"Deal with him and anyone else who are talking shit like this." Tom ordered and the group nodded. "Did you really kill all of them...for him?" Aurora questioned, she was not scared but curious, Azazel noticed. "No. I didn't kill them" Azazel paused and looked at Tom before looking back at Aurora"For him."

Azazel smirked and saw Tom roll his eyes from the corner of her eyes.

"So you killed them?"

"I don't know. I didn't check." Azazel said and shrugged her shoulders before she was interrupted by the train approaching and stopping infront of them.


"Tom Riddle. So much love she has for him, doesn't she?" The snow white haired man traced the picture displayed on the newspaper and looked up at his followers and smirked, his sickening crazy look occuring in his eyes.

"Anyone who brings him to me will get a lifetime settlement!" Grindelwald roared to the crowd and they cheered. Screaming their approval and immediately leaving to get their prey that was Tom Riddle.

"Let's see Bellum, who wins this battle. Tom Riddle will be my pawn soon." Grindelwald laughed and slammed his hands against the table infront of him.

Thankyou for reading!

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