Chapter 27

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Tom Riddle looked at Azazel Bellum from where he sat in the exam hall. She was scribbling in the parchment without a care in the world while he was wondering why she was not talking to him or even seeing him eye to eye.

Tom was done with his exam half hour back but he still sat there staring at a certain green eyed witch who didn't even glance his way.

Why did he even care? He did not know. Maybe, when something became a part of your life so easily and then suddenly it was gone, it will bother you to no end. That's what Tom Riddle thought, atleast that's what the books say.

Azazel Bellum's teasings, annoyance, flirting, her irritating nature, the way she made him smile and laugh when he never had done it in his entire life, all of it was missing and he didn't know why it bothered him. He was never like that, so going back to normal shouldn't be so bad right? Then why does he feel like someone's pricking his being with needles?

He wanted to talk to her. Every cell in his body ached to hear her voice, her laughter. His subconscious ached for her. Maybe this time he had to be the first one to take initiative?

Tom's eyes widened slightly at the thoughts he was having. Him talking to Azazel Bellum when she was ignoring him? Absolutely not. Never would he do that. Why was he having such revolting thoughts?

He watched as Azazel handed over her answer sheet and walked past him, out of the hall. Did she not see him? Maybe she didn't. Because if she did, she would've given him that disgustingly gorgeous smile of hers and winked at him.

Tom once again hissed at himself as he realised what he had called her smile.

He too handed his paper and walked out of the hall. Definitely not hoping to come across a certain insensitive witch.

He walked through the hallways, speeding up a bit. Why? He didn't know. Atleast that's what he said to convince himself.

Soon she was in his sight. He jogged a bit to catch up with her and walked side by side. Azazel still didn't acknowledge his presence and kept walking, now walking faster.

"Bellum" Tom called out but she continued to pretend he didn't exist and kept walking ahead. Tom huffed in irritation and walked faster to match her pace. He easily walked ahead considering his height and long legs compared to the witch.

He stopped walking and turned to face her, blocking her path. Azazel was looking down as she moved to the other side but he moved too, blocking her path again. Azazel moved to the other side again and he did the same. He could hear a small sigh escape her lips as her shoulders slumped. She was giving up.

"What has gotten into you?" He asked but Azazel didn't respond making him frustrated. Tom held her hand and dragged her to the seventh floor. Ofcourse this conversation had to take place in their place.

Their place?

Tom mentally cursed himself for the umpteenth time as he opened the door to the Room of Requirements and walked in along with Azazel.

He made her stand infront of him and he stood there crossing his arms across his chest while he glared at her. She was stubborn and was still not looking at him.

What did he do to make her like this? As long as he knew, he was doing everything she asked for, literally everything. And for god's sake, he didn't know why! He didn't know why he was doing all of it without a question! He was never like this, that too for a women! A women!

"Why are you doing this now? We should talk about it." Tom said and Azazel still didn't say anything. Tom was growing mad every minute that passed by and he was afraid he might do something he regretted.

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