Chapter 11

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A gleam appeared in Azazel's eyes and she grinned. She loved how this was going to go, she was going to get on Tom Riddle's nerves today.

"What are we waiting for then?" Alfred gave her a questioning look but didn't say anything about her excitement. The boy lead the way and Azazel hopped behind him along with her the bag she was holding, Alfred had offered to carry the bag but she refused. It was a ten minute walk and they were already standing infront of the orphanage.

"I think this is it" Alfred muttered and walked inside the orphanage and they were immediately greeted by the caretaker. The lady did not look like a pleasant one and Azazel saw right through her facade. "I am Mrs Cole, I'll gather the kids in a few minutes."

Alfred nodded with a smile and the two waited for the children to gather around. Soon the children gathered around Azazel and Alfred. The room was filled with so much laughter and excited whispers, Azazel was never good with kids, but she tried.

"Where's Tom?" Mrs Cole asked with so much disgust and wrath tho her face didn't show any of it. "In his room Mrs Cole. He said he won't be joining us while we called him" one of the kids said in a little voice, almost scared. Mrs Cole seemed to whisper a few curses before smiling at the two teenagers.

"All are here. You can distribute the gifts" Azazel almost scoffed at the fake sweetness. "If you don't mind, can I give the gift to Tom if he doesn't want to come down?" Azazel inquired with the same level of sweetness, fakeness too. Mrs Cole seemed reluctant but gave her the room number anyways. She didn't care.

Azazel excused herself from Alfred and walked up the stairs. The floor creaked at every step and it annoyed Azazel to no end. She sometimes watched Tom from outside ( not in a creepy way) but never really entered the orphanage and she did not regret it.

**Tom's Pov**

I tried stretching on my bed that was too small, my legs touched the other end of the room and I cursed at how small the room was. I can't wait to burn this place down along with everyone in here.

I heard someone shout from outside to come down for the usual Christmas routine, I never participated, and never will. I didn't say anything and footsteps faded away from my room.

Too much noise, this place was always noisy and I hated it. Children are nuisance and the worst of all, can't they just shut up for a second?! Bunch of babbling baboons.

I sat up straight, not being able to bare the pain on my back from adjusting to fit into the small space. I hated holidays. I rubbed my eyes and ran a hand through my greasy hair. The shirt I wore was worn out and I had already stitched the pants a few times now. I sighed.

That's when I felt a breeze hit my chest. I checked the window to see if it was open, but no. What was that? Why is it not stopping? The breeze won't stop and an unfamiliar yet very familiar fragrance filled my nostrils. I hated it. It was pleasant and warm, I hated it.

What is happening? Why is my heart beating so fast? What is this warmth that's spreading through me? I don't like it. Am I having a panic attack?

A knock sounded at the door and it opened eventually as I didn't say anything. A small head peaked through the door and if I had not looked a second time, I would've thought it was one of the annoying baboons from the orphanage. But no, it was not. It was her, the witch. Azazel Bellum.

Ofcourse, the fragrance, it was her. The breeze, only she can do that. Witch.

**End of Tom's Pov**

Azazel peaked through the door and her hair fell forward and covered her face. Tom Riddle stared at her, dumbfounded. Azazel stepped in and closed the door behind her. And then, there it was, her bright smile that made her void eyes smile too.

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