"you will be doing a duet with Cameron and it will be a tap duet. It was going to be with Claire but I'll just change it up for you two." Abby said.

Maddie and Cameron gave each other a quick hug before Miss Abby went on.

"Chloe you will also be doing a solo, Cassandra you will be doing a solo, Mackenzie and Cassandra you will also have a duet. Paige and Brooke I'm giving you a duet. I want you to work together as friend, I do not want you fighting as sisters. If you waste time energy bickering back and forth you're never gonna get it finished. Everybody is in the group except Cameron and Claire. Alright lets get to rehearsing."

Claire Brooke Cassandra
Chloe Nia Mackenzie Paige

Five days to Nationals

Sabrina POV

"I'm going on vacation with our the girls I'm leaving them with Sabrina." Melissa said.

I already new this but the moms didn't.

"Oh my gosh!" Christi said.

Four days to Nationals

Sabrina POV

Abby gathered the moms in a room to talk about our kids.

"lets start with Nia, work on those feet, how many times have we gone over this. It's like talking to a brick wall. She has to try harder." Abby told Holly

"As a teacher it's frustrating." Holy said. "when another teacher will say to a kid try harder that means nothing to the kids. they're repeating the same mistake over and over again.

"Lets move on to Chloe, she need to work on her confidence. She's still secondd guessing herself." Abby said

"That's how Chloe is, I mean that's something we need to work on." Christi responded.

"Okay lets see, okay we have Claire and Cassandra. Claire she's great, perfect almost, but she needs to learn her limits. She should have told the person backstage about her foot, not dance on it, and then maybe today she would have been able to dance." Abby told me.

"I agree a hundred percent, I wish she didn't dance in the group either." I said, facepalming myself.

"Cassandra she is also really good for her age, she is growing as a dancer. She needs to work on managing her acting and dancing, cause I could really use her on the team." Abby said with a slight laugh at the end. I could notice the other moms roll their eyes, obviously jealous.

"Brooke, I'm disappointed in the group routines with the ability to comprehend. You saw I yesterday if I was their mother I would have crawled into a hole. She's thirteen years old and was not picking up quickly they're slow they don't pick up quickly."

"walk through it step by step with them. we're not trying to be Maddie and Chloe. Neither one of my kids." Kelly said

"but why do you want your kids to be mediocre?" Abby said

"Because that's the way my kids are, and I love them they way they are Abby." Kelly said.

then Abby and Kelly got into it. and She was kicked out. I was so regretting not going with Melissa.

three days to Nationals

Claire POV

I was sad I couldn't do any dances this week.

Abby took us to the lake. But I couldn't really do anything but sit there and do stretches without my foot.

we also went to the bowling ally, and I could finally do something with my boot. But Maddie's dad came to the ally and talked with Melissa.

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