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Chapter twenty

Felix POV

I seriously was so proud of Hyunjin, talking everything out with his mom was a huge step forward for him and I could tell just how happy it made him. Coming back down stairs Hyunjin releases my hand as we sit down at the table, his mom puts the plates in front of us I look down at it. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it, it smelled and looked amazing but I was struggling.

I hadn't told anyone yet but when I was in Australia I was having issues with my weight so I started calorie counting and stuff and its gotten out of hand now. All of my meals are small and planned out to a T. I take my chopsticks and start looking over the contents of my plate. Hyunjin must have noticed this so me nugged me, "everything okay" he whispers to me and I just nod my head. "Felix please eat up" his mom speaks up sitting down with us as both of them begin to eat.

I could feel the pit in my stomach getting larger, I took a couple of bites slowly trying to figure out how much this was going to throw off my calculator later. Again Hyunjin leans over, "you don't have to eat everything but just a little bit okay" he says to me quietly giving me a soft smile. I nod my head, looking back to my plate and continue with my small bites. After Hyunjin finished his plate he switched with me so I now had an empty plate in ront of me.

"Oh Felix would you like any more food" his mom asks me but I just shook my head. After eating Hyunjin cleared our plates as I sat there and spoke with his mom. She was amazing and sweet, it made me think of my mom which made me sad but happy at the same time. I could still remember little things here and there about how she was, and being here with Hyunjins mom reminded me of her so much.

"Alright well I don't wont to bother you boys, is Felix staying over" she asks us. I look over at Hyunjin as he looks back to me, both of us smiling but then remembering our plan for later. "Uh actually I was thinking of spending the night at his place" Hyunjin speaks up looking over to him mom. "No problem, just remember Hyunjin you have after school detention Saturday and Sunday" she says as she makes her way down the hall.

Hyunjin grabbed my hand as we made our way back to his car, pulling up to my house he picks me up outside. Wrapping my legs around him he supports me by holding me by my ass. My hands wrap around his neck as I lean in and kiss him. Bringing me to the front door I hand him the keys, going down his neck with my mouth as he tries to focus on unlocking the door.

Finally getting it open we both laugh as we stumble inside the house, then the lights flip on stopping both of our movements. I look over confused as my sister Ronnie stood in the room, her eyes darting from me to Hyunjin. I get off from Hyunjin as I stand next to him awkwardly that my sister just caught us, "Ron what are you doing home I thought you were staying at the dorms till next week" I say to her giving her a fake smile.

"Your school called me today and told me about the incident so I came home to check on you and grab some stuff" she says looking back at me, then pointing over to Hyunjin. "Uh who is this" her eyes landing on him giving him death glares. "This is Hyunjin, my friend" I tell her moving away from Hyunjin slightly. "A friend" she asks back to me with an annoyed tone, ""wait this isn't the same Hyunjin that bullied you right" she asks again getting angry.

My gaze goes down to my feet, my hands start tugging on the bottom of my sweater as I begin to panic. "I am that Hyunjin but" he starts to say as my sister storms over grabbing me and pulling me away from him. "What the fuck are you even doing here, leave right now" she yells at him as I start to form tears. "You have some nerve coming here, what the hell is wrong with you. Are you just fucking playing with him just to hurt him again, you're a fucking monster" she screams at him still holding onto me tightly.

"Ronnie stop" I croak out but she continues, "after everything you have put him through how do you even live with yourself. You're sick, you need professional help if you think I am going to let my brother be anywhere near you" she hisses out at him. I push off of her, getting in between the two as I look back to her, "Ronnie stop it right now" I yell out, my voice finding the courage to boast out. She looks at me confused, "Felix no this is the guy who did this to you" she yells back to me, grabbing my sweater sleeve and pulling it up revealing my scars.

"No Ronnie, I did that to myself. Stop yelling at him, Hyunjin is different now. Hes my friend" I say back pulling down my sleeve leveling myself with her emotions. "No Felix this is a trick, you don't" she tried to continue but I cut her off "I said that was enough Ronnie, you don't get to come in here acting like mom. You haven't been here, you don't know what I have been going through and instead of you helping me Hyunjin has" I swing back at her as she looks shocked at my words. "Felix please" she starts again but I hold me hand up telling her to stop, "you are not my mom, I am an adult. I can make my own decisions and I decided to forgive Hyunjin" I say back to her.

I knew my words hurt her, I knew she took responsibility for me after mom died but she was being rude. I look over my shoulder to see Hyunjin still standing there with tears in his eyes. I walk over to him, wrapping him in my arms as he continues to cry. "Why don't you just leave Ron" I say back harshly to her. Grabbing her things she pushes past us heading to the door. "Don't come crying to me when this one decides to hurt you again" she mutters out leaving and slamming the door behind her.

"Come on, lets just go lay down" I whisper to Hyunjin, pulling his arm and leading him to my room. Laying us down on the bed we face each other, my thumb wiping away his tears as he looks over to me. "I am so sorry Felix" he says to me, I shake my head "you have nothing to be sorry for any more Hyunjin. What I told your mom was true, I forgive you" I say back softly. "How can you, after everything I have done to you how can you forgive me" he asks back quieter.

Inching closer to him my hand continues to caress his face, "because you are a good person, you are a good person who was going through something and made a mistake. But you being here, with me right now, you are making up for every mistake you have made" I tell him, his eyes meeting mine as I smile at him. "You were my worst nightmare, but now you are the reason I wake up in the morning Hyunjin" I say leaning over leaving a small kiss on his nose.

His arms snake around me, pulling me in closer to him. "I am so lucky to have you in my life Felix" he whispers to me as I dig my head into his chest, his head resting on top of mine. "Likewise" I say back.

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