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Chapter twelve

Felix's pov

The rest of the day flew by, but it was hard to focus on anything when I wear wearing Hyunjin hoodie. I knew this morning wasn't his fault so I couldn't be mad at him but it still sucked. My sweater is ruined and this Minho guy seems like a dickhead. Han and Jeongin kept checking on me during the day which I thought was cute. I start to leave school and head to work.

But I notice someone following me, turning around I was met with Minho standing there. I roll my eyes and start to walk away but he grabs me pulling me back. "I don't know what you have done to Hyunjin but it needs to fucking stop" he growls at me. Trying to pull away from him didn't help, he just held on tighter pulling me down an alleyway.

"Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you" I yell out as he pushes me away. "You know this all is just some sick joke Hyunjin is playing on you right" he says back to me walking towards me. I move back wanting to keep the space between us. "Just leave me the hell alone" I say back trying not to show how scared I was.

He laughs back at me rolling up his sleeves. "Not until you've learned your lesson" he says quietly before his fist made contact with my stomach. All of my self defense training went out the window, I bend over clutching my torso in pair. Just then his knee comes to my face which makes me fall backwards.

I tried to regain composure but he just kept coming at me, all I could do was ball up and hope he would stop. I don't know what came over me but when he went to kick me I grabbed his foot twisting his ankle making him fall back. "Fuck what the fuck" he yelled out. I sat up, my back against the wall as I tried to breathe.

Blood dripping from my nose to my mouth from his knee. He gets up quickly after recovering and coming back over to me, grabbing me by my collar he looks down. "Leave Hyunjin alone and I won't have to hurt you anymore, freak" he says slamming me back into the wall.

Letting me go I slide down the wall, he leans over to me, grabbing my chin forcing me to look at him. "Leave him alone and I will make sure you don't spend another day like this. Being someone's fucking punching bag. If you don't it will only get worse" he back to me.

Leaving me down this alley I sat there for a moment thinking about his words. Was Hyunjin worth this trouble? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to walk anywhere or do anything and not be in pain? Those thoughts ringing through my mind the whole way to work.

Walking into the cafe I go to my locker in the back, changing quickly I put on a spare sweater I keep there, fixing my face and making sure the bleeding stopped. I  step out to start my shift but I am met with a familiar face.

Hyunjin pov

After leaving the bathroom Han kept a close eye on me in every classe we shared with Felix. But I knew the first thing I needed to do was talk to Minho. I texted him to meet me at lunch and got a usual sassy response from him.

Waiting for him at my locker I see him walk over, pushing myself off the locker his arm wraps around my shoulder. "So Hyunjin what was so important that you are taking me away from the cafeteria on tatter tot day" he tries to joke but I needed him to be serious. Leading him outside I leaned up against my car. "Seriously Hyunjin if it's about this morning I'm not mad at you" he says again earning a scoff from me.

"You think after the shit you pulled today I would be the one apologizing to you" I ask back as he looks at me confused. "I don't get you man, it's our senior year and you're my best friend. Why are you changing yourself now for some kid who isn't even important" he hisses back to me.

"It's not just about Felix dude it's the fact that I don't really like who I've become and what I do to people" I say back getting kind of heated. "What people like feral Felix, he's a nobody nothing important so again I ask why the fuck do you care" he says back getting equally frustrated.

"Because he tried to kill himself because of me" I say loudly. His face shifts, from anger to confusion. "And why does that concern you" he asks back blankly. "Oh my god Minho do you really not get it, it doesn't matter who he is. I hurt him badly enough where he tried to take his own life because of me" I say back to him trying to get him to understand.

"So who cares, he did it to himself. If it wasn't you someone else would have bullied him and maybe he would have fucking followed through on it better" he says back throwing his hands in his pants like it was nothing that just came out of his mouth. I felt sick, what the fuck was wrong with Minho.

"You just don't get it" I say quietly looking down at my feet. "I am trying to Hyunjin but I just don't understand why you care all of a sudden" he says placing his hand on my shoulder. I wanted to scream out because I cared for him but I knew Minho wouldn't understand.

"Look I am sorry about this morning, if you want to leave Felix alone then fine we will leave him alone" Minho says back to me which actually surprised me. "Seriously" I say back to him as I watch a smile come over his face. "I'm not going to end my longest friendship over some loser Hyunjin" he says pulling me into a hug.

"But he needs to keep his distance because like you don't know how hard it is for me not to say something to him every time I hear his annoying voice" he says back laughing. Walking back into the school I hear him mumble something to himself but I didn't care. I just smiled, this was the first step we needed to take and maybe Minho would come around to the fact that Felix was actually a good person to be around.

Finishing up the rest of the day Minho had texted me he had to stay behind at school for something so I left without him. All I wanted to do was see Felix. I go home quickly dropping off my bags and changing before heading over to the cafe where he worked. Walking in I noticed he wasn't behind the counter so I waited for him. Then he comes to the front but his face doesn't look happy to see me.

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