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Chapter eighteen

Felix's pov

Walking into the school I couldn't even look up, my nerves were shot knowing everyone was staring at Hyunjin and I. I started playing with the bottom of my sweater as I could hear my blood pressure rise. It wasn't until Hyunjin leaned down and whispered "if you want me to stop holding your hand it's okay", I shook my head. Knowing he was by my side was more helpful to me than anything else in the world. I rested my head on his arm as we continued in.

The first couple classes were uneventful and honestly I was looking forward to seeing my friends at lunch. The bell rang and I made my way out of class but not before I was grabbed by someone and thrown into another room. Taken back I was confused looking around the cleaning closet but I was more scared than anything when I saw Minho standing there.

He walked towards me causing me to retreat until I had fallen into a chair. He smiled so devilishly looking back at me. "What did I tell you freak" he whispered out leaning over to me so he was inches from my face. I shut my eyes not wanting to see what he was about to do.

I felt the back of his hand make contact with my cheek, I tried to fight him but he was so much stronger than I expected. Grabbing some wires off the shelf he tied to me to the chair, I was still in a daze from his smack so I couldn't quite tell what was going on.

Just then I felt something being poured on me, bleach and cleaners running down my face to my legs. I coughed at the sudden smell of ammonia and sanitizers. I couldn't even open my eyes due to the sting they were already having just from the contact. I shake my head, trying to get the liquid off of me but more came, I couldn't even inhale without being suffocated from the fumes.

He just laughed, that's all I could hear was his laughter. It sent shivers down my spine. I heard him cutting something as he moved my body around again still unable to see fully what was happening. "This is what's going to happen every day from now on because you decided Hyunjin was more important than your sorry excuse of a life" he gets out. I heard him leave, the door slamming behind him as I sat there in silence.

I couldn't even cry, my face was becoming numb from the pain and liquids spilling into my pores. I could hear my phone going off in my backpack on the floor, that was the only sound that echoed into the small closet I was left in. I don't know how long I was there for before I heard someone slamming into the door. Minho must have locked it before he left. Just then the door was busted open.

"Oh my god Felix" they say before coming to my aid, I still didn't know who it was so I tried to fight against them thinking they were going to do more damage. I was freezing, just now noticing the shivers being sent down my limps as the person continued to undo my restraints. "Stop Felix it's me Hyunjin" they say back to me, finally undoing the last knot I open my sore eyes up to him.

I couldn't hold back my tears any longer, Hyunjin's arms wrapped around me picking me up from the chair as he tried to console me. "Shh Felix it's okay I am here" he whispers back to me as his hands continue to comfort me. "Who did this to you" he asks me but I just shake my head into his chest, grabbing my shoulders he releases me looking at me asking me again "was it Minho".

I couldn't even find the words so I just nod back to him, feeling the tears coming back I grab ahold of him. Scared that if I let him go he might leave forever. "Holy shit Felix what happened" I hear someone exclaim from behind Hyunjin. Looking over at a very concerned Han and Jeongin I instinctively move to them as they both held me. I look back up and realize Hyunjin was missing.

"Han we have to go get Hyunjin" I tell them looking up at them. We rushed back to the cafeteria where we see the scene unfolding. There was Hyunjin on the floor wrestling with Minho, screaming back and forth at each other as students came to get them apart.

I watched as another student grabbed Hyunjin and a teacher grabbed Minho separating the two, Hyunjin eyes shot back to me as he pushed himself off the student and came over to me. His arms wrap around me tightly, picking me up and squeezing me against his body. Putting me back down his focus was still on me, brushing a piece of my bangs away from eyes as he came in close and kissed me.

It was pure bliss, even though it only lasted a few seconds. "I am so sorry" he whispers to me, feeling his breath on my face as his hand caress my cheek. I gave him a small smile and nod before he was taken by a teacher to the principal's office. Han and Jeongin helped clean me off in the bathroom, Jeongin running to my locker pulling out Hyunjin's spare hoodie he gave me and bringing it back to me.

I waited for him outside the school, watching a very fancy looking couple walk in as well as another couple making their way inside.

Hyunjin's pov

"Can you please explain why your son was attacking mine in the cafeteria Mira" Minho's mother asked mine looking down to Minho. "Can you explain yourself Hyunjin" my mom turned to me looking extremely mad. "I already told you, Minho is bullying one of my friends and he went too far and I stuck up for him" I say back annoyed that my parents weren't believing me.

"You boys have been best friends forever, what has gotten into you" Minho's mom says back looking at both of us. "I don't want to be friends with someone who abuses people for fun" I say back under my breath. "Hyunjin started this all freshman year he was the reason that kid tried to kill himself and I'm the bad guy now" Minho speaks up accusing me. I was shocked, the fact that he had to bring up Felix's past.

"Hyunjin is this true" my mom asks me shocked at Minho's words. "Felix is my friend now, we are moving past it and I am making up for my mistakes. I know what I did was wrong and Felix is helping me be a better person" I huff out getting extremely frustrated. "Right like how two weeks ago you stalked him after work just to beat him up again" Minho says back loudly gaining everyone attention again.

How was this happening, he was the one who was in the wrong yet only my issues are being addressed. "Are you guys literally not understanding the fact that Minho threw him into a closet, tied him to a chair, poured cleaning chemicals on him, cut up his clothes, and left him there" I say back shocked.

"Don't worry Minho will be handled but Mira, get your own child in line before he drags my son into his own problems" Minho's mom tells her shifting her focus on the principal. "So what's the punishment for these two" she says crossing her arms. "Well we are going to suspend both of them for the rest of the week, with the addition of after school detention on the weekend" he says back.

"What am I in trouble for" I yell out greeting even more angry. "I was defending a student who has been relentlessly bullied since he has come back to this school, maybe you should do something about that" I yell back at the principal storming out. My name being called from only my mother, my father never once spoke or looked at me.

Leaving the room I see Felix waiting outside on the school steps, walking out quickly I grab him and rush him to my car. "Hyunjin what happened back there" he asked quietly as I pulled out and took off. "I'm being punished even though Minho was the one wrong" I huff out slamming my hand into the steering wheel. "My parents don't believe me, my dad" I trail off as tears started to form "he wouldn't even look at me" I finish I getting choked up.

I feel Felix shift in his seat, his hand coming to my leg caressing it softly as my gaze goes back to him. "You are a good person Hwang Hyunjin, thank you for sticking up for me" he says quietly giving me a warm smile. We finally reach Felix's house, walking in I sit back on the couch. "Are you hungry, I wasn't able to eat lunch" I ask him as my stomach growls.

"Uh no I need to go shower but help yourself to the fridge and anything else" he tells me before rushing into the bathroom. I walk over to the kitchen and start sifting through the fridge and cabinets. Grabbing a few snacks my eyes come across something else. In the back of the cabinet there were perfectly portioned nuts and crackers in bags, all written on with Felix's weight.

I take them out looking over each bag as the sizes got smaller and smaller, some even with dates on them and others with calories written on the bag. I think back, I never really watched Felix eat anything other than the day he cooked for me and when he was eating the crackers the other night. Was he starving himself?

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