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Chapter three

Felix's pov

I couldn't even focus for the first half of the day, what the fuck was Hwang Hyunjin still doing here? He was a year older than me he should have been gone. That was my only saving grace coming back to Seoul. Knowing that my tormentor would be moving on to I don't know small college freshman or something but no he was still at this school. I shouldn't be surprised, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed honestly.

My thoughts bouncing around in my head I didn't even notice where I was walking, bumping into someone in the hall on my way to lunch both of us falling over. "Oh my god I am so sorry" they say back quickly. "No I should be the one apologizing I ran into you" I say back helping him pick up our things. Standing up I finally get a good look at who I ran into. He was small, but his cheeks were huge. He looked like a squirrel it was so cute honestly.

Holding out his hand I shake it, "I am Han Jisung" he tells me. Nodding back at him I say "Felix Lee". "Are you new here or something" he asks me. "Ah I mean kind of, I use to go here freshman year but left and now I'm back" I say back becoming a little shy. "Oh that's why I don't know you, I came in sophomore year. Hey I was gonna go eat outside with my friend do you want to come" he asks me smiling, his cheeks just filling his whole face. "Ah yea sure that would be nice actually" I say back as he takes my hand and leads me outside.

Walking up to the soccer field we watch as the boys start running in from gym class, Han started waving over at someone as they come over. "Gin this is Felix, Felix this is my friend Jeongin but I call him Gin for short" Han introduces us. "Nice to meet you man" Jeongin says back to me. Nodding to him we go and sit down under a tree for some shade and Han and Jeongin get to know me.

"Wow so what was Australia like Felix" Han asks stuffing his face with his lunch "ah it was amazing honestly, every day was sunny and warm and the food there is fantastic and the people are so incredibly nice" I say back to him eating a chip from my lunch. "So what made you come back to Korea then" Jeongin asks. I shake my head, "my sister honestly, she wants to become an idol and it's her dream so I want to help her follow it. Plus moving to Australia was beneficial for my health so it only seemed fair to give back to her" I tell him.

Chatting back and forth with them I learned they both moved here from Japan, both of them speaking Korean and Japanese fluently. I found that fascinating since I was really basic at Korean, we really lost touch with the language when we left. They were going to help give me some lessons for both languages since I was so interested. The bell rings and we all make our way back to classes, taking down their numbers we even started a group chat with the three of us.

Meeting them put my nerves at ease, I didn't have any friends when I left Korea three years ago so coming back the first day and already gaining two was a huge accomplishment. Breezing through my last classes I wait outside looking both ways before I was going to cross the road. I was able to get a job at a small cafe in town so I needed to head over there, can't be late on the first day.

Waiting for the traffic to stop I feel someone tower over me from behind, my heart begins to race because I know exactly who it is. I felt him tap me on my shoulder as I turn around fast and am met with Hyunjin standing over me. My skin shook just from hearing his voice, "I'd love to start where we left off last time Felix" he tells me, gripping onto my shoulder hard. I waited for this moment, after recovering and moving my sister talked me into taking self defense classes, I worked out, I wore contacts. I changed.

As soon as he touched me my body took over, grabbing his wrist just the right way twisting it and forcing him back. Hyunjin was surprised because he didn't catch himself falling. I watched as his butt hit the ground. "What the fuck" he yelled out, now people were staring, it made me uncomfortable. "You are so fucking dead" he growls out at me but I took the chance while he was still on the ground and ran. Running down the street left and right before I felt safe enough to slow down, it didn't look like he was chasing me.

Calming down I put in the direction to the cafe and head over. I worked at a similar one back in Australia so I picked up fast with the pace of the new place. After it died down I was left alone while my boss was checking things in the back storage. I was cleaning the counter behind me just enjoying the moment, it was peaceful. I started singing quietly to myself in rhythm with my hands cleaning the counter.

I must have not heard someone come in because I heard them clear their throat behind me, spinning around I am met again with a face I never wanted to look at. Hyunjin. He stood there looking at me before he smirked. My boss came out of the back and walked in on our staring match, "uh Felix are you going to take this nice man's order" he says next to me. I had to hold myself back from laughing, 'nice man' if he only knew.

Snapping back to reality I speak up, "sorry what would you like" I ask him, he looked up at the menu before pointing to something. "Do you know how to make that" he ask me, I look up and laugh, of course he picked the hardest fucking coffee to make. Wanting to impress my boss I nod my head back at him and he smiles "great I'll take one of those and a scone please".

Gritting my teeth I smile back, ringing him up I tell him his total and he hands me his money. Giving him his change he turns around and sits at a booth in the far corner. Perfect view to watch me fuck up this drink. I grab my phone and look up the recipe, honestly it sounded disgusting to drink but the customer is always right. I follow the directions to a T, feeling pretty proud of myself as my boss watches me. Nodding his head in approval he goes back to storage.

I was now left alone with Hyunjin. I walk the coffee over to him and place the scone down on the table. Within two second he takes the mug and pushes it off the table, smashing on the ground spilling the coffee everywhere. "Oops sorry, you're so clumsy" he says sarcastically to me. I sigh, he was still just as childish as I remember. My boss comes out hearing the commotion of the mug shattering, putting on my best fake smile I say back to hyunjin "oh I am so sorry about that sir, let me get you another one".

Picking up the pieces of mug off the ground I watch as my boss walks away, Hyunjin takes the moment to grab me by the back of my neck. I jump up trying to grab him but he was still stronger than me, putting his hand over my mouth he whispers to me "you should have fucking stayed dead". Dropping his grip from my neck he pushes past me and walks out.

I sigh, continuing to clean the mess he made I finish my shift later in the night. Saying good bye to my manager I start walking home. My head phones in my ears playing the newest rap group I was in to. My mind was in its own place as I continued to walk home in the dark. But I couldn't help this feeling of being watched, looking over my shoulder I see someone walking behind me coming up on me fast.

My instincts took over, running down a near by alley as I tried to escape but they followed me. I was at a dead end. Turning around I take my stance, just like my instructor showed me. But the person walks towards me laughing and clapping his hands. Coming into the light I am finally met face to face, again, with Hwang fucking Hyunjin.

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