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Chapter eleven

Hyunjin pov

I was enjoying my time with Felix but that all changed when I heard the cafe door ding open. I look over at Minho walking in. He didn't see me so I quickly got up leaving Felix at the table. I walk over and scare him from behind, "what the hell man" Minho exclaims as I laugh. I try to keep his gaze away from the table in the back where Felix was.

"What are you doing here you hate coffee" I ask him as he shrugs. "I needed a pick me up and figured I'd give coffee another chance, where the hell did you go. I have been texting you but you skipped out of school" Minho asks me. I shrug my shoulders now, "I just had to go take care of something" I say back to him hoping he doesn't ask anything further.

"Minho your order is ready" the barista says behind the counter handing him his drink. He takes a sip but immediately makes a face of disgust. "So coffee is still a no" I laugh at him. "Whatever hey come on let's go hang" Minho says back to me motioning out the door.

"I can't I have to head home soon" I lie back to him earning a whine from Minho. "Whatever Hyunjin I'll see you tomorrow morning" he says giving me a smile before he starts to leave. I started to relax thinking he hadn't seen Felix but my heart stopped when he spoke again. "Oh my god dude look it's your stalker" Minho laughs out pointing over to Felix.

"Nah man leave him alone come on" I say back to him, Minho turns around looking at me confused. "Why" he asks back waiting for my response. "It looks like he's here with someone so just leave him alone, I don't feel like fighting two people today" I say again noticing I left my coffee at the table.

"Good point" Minho says back finally leaving out the door. I watch as he walks away down the street and I could finally relax. Walking back over to Felix I sit down and take his hand but he doesn't look at me. "What's wrong" I ask him quietly. "Nothing" he says back quickly taking his hand from mine still not looking at me.

"I will work on telling Minho but I just don't know how to bring it up Felix" I sigh leaning back in my chair. He finally looks up at me giving me a little smile, "Hyunjin if he is your friend he should understand" he whispers back to me now grabbing my hand. I smile at him, he's right if Minho actually is my friend then he should understand.

"It's getting late come on" I say to Felix pulling him up from the table, our hands stayed together as we walked out to my car. I drove him home, pulling up to his house he looked at it and then back at me. "Do you want to spend the night, my sister is going to be gone all week for training" he asks quietly. I nod my head, grabbing a spare set of clothes I keep in my car for emergencies Felix leads me back into his house.

Going to his room he lays down on his bed, I watch him as he snuggles into the pillows. He was so cute. I come over to him grabbing him and pulling him close to my body. This all felt so natural to me it was insane. We fell asleep peacefully and for once in my life I felt complete.

The next day I woke up with Felix still attached to my side. His alarm going off next to us, he turns over and shuts it off. "I don't want to move" he moans out in a ridiculously deep voice. It made my heart skip a beat. "Come on we have to go" I whisper to him.

Forcing Felix up we get dressed and everything and head to school. I drove us of course but then something made me stop. "Why are you stopping" he looks over at me confused. "I um I forgot I have to pick up Minho" I say back quietly unable to look back at him. "Oh okay, I can walk the rest of the way" he says and grabs the door handle. "I'm sorry Felix I will work on telling him today I promise" I say and he gives me a little smile.

I sigh, watching him walk ahead as I pull away. I felt like such a dick but it seemed like he understood. I quickly head to Minho's and do my horn. He comes out looking frustrated. "What the hell Hyunjin I thought you weren't gonna come and I'd be hella late" he exclaims getting in and shutting the door loudly. "Sorry I was running behind today" I apologize back to him.

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