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Chapter Twenty Five

Hyunjins POV

Waking up the next morning Felix was not next to me, he must have gotten up earlier than me. I turn over and grab my phone scrolling through the media apps I come across a post from Minho. The photo was black but the caption scared me.

"I am a terrible person. I have lost everything."

What the fuck? I tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail. Then I got a text from my mom, "honey have you heard from Minho?". I really started to worry now, calling her quickly she answered.

"Mom what do you mean?"

"Well Jessica called me and she told me Minho didn't come home last night so I just didn't know if you saw him last night or anything" She says back.

"He was at the party but I heard he got an uber home, can they track his phone?" I ask her but she sighs.

"No, they think its dead so they can't find him. Are you safe, is Felix okay?" she asked again causing me to smile slightly.

"Uh yea mom we are fine, look I will call you later. Let me know if he turns up" I say back quickly before hanging up. Getting up I see Felix laying on the couch in the living room playing on his phone. Leaning over his back I kiss his cheek, "good morning" I mumble against his skin causing him to smile and turn around placing a perfect kiss on my lips.

"How are you feeling love" I ask him sitting down next to him, "suprisingly I am not that hung over but my wrist does hurt still" he says handing me his wrist to look over. The swelling had gone down but it was still bruised slightly. "Do you want me to take you to the doctor. It could be sprained or something" I say back being extra careful with his wrist. "No I have a brace up in my room I can use" he says back getting shy.

"Why are you prepared for a medical emergency" I joke with him until he spoke back, "It was from three years ago, I needed it after something" his voice trailing away as I realize what was happening. I became quiet, not able to look at him knowing I was the reason he needed the brace in the first place. Felix sensed this so he moved closer to me, placing his hand on my leg.

"Hey don't do that, that was in the past Hyunjin. I trust you, you don't hurt me anymore and I like you alot so please don't make yourself upset" he says back slightly. I look at him, his eyes were soft and caring. "I really am sorry Felix" I say back quietly as he gives me a small smile. "I am going to ban that word from your vocabulary if you keep saying it to me" he says back sassily causing me to laugh.

"So what do you want to do today, wait don't you have after school detention this weekend" he says back kind of surprising. I shake my head, "my mom is covering for me but I actually have to go do something" I say back kind of uneasy. "Oh what do you have to do" he asks back questioning me. "Uh Minho is missing, he didn't go home last night so his mom called my mom and I think I know where he is at so I was going to check there" I tell him kind of trailing off incase he got angry.

"Oh, let me get dressed we can go together" he says back leaving me on the couch in awe. "Uh Felix you don't have to do that" I say back quickly following him to his room. "No I want to, plus maybe things would have ended differently last night if I heard him out so I feel kind of responsible" he says back putting on new clothes before looking at me. "Are you gonna get dressed so we can go or are you just going to stand there all day" he asks back with a smile.

I quickly got dressed and made our way out to the car, Felix grabbed his brace and put it on his hurt wrist. "So where do you think he is" he asks me buckling up. "Well theres this spot by the Han River, its a break point for the water going under a really old bridge. We use to go there all the time and mess around, skip rocks and hang" I tell him pulling out and heading to the location. "Felix" I say to him quietly gaining his attention. He looks back at me confused waiting for me to continue, "thank you for coming" I finish.

Coming up to the park I get out and look around, no sight of him but I did see something on the ground. Picking it up I realized it was Minhos phone, taking off to the bridge Felix follows me closely. Running up I scan over the decrepit bridge, it had been years since we came here last but it was always our favorite spot. I spot someone under the bridge and make my way over.

There he was, Minho sound asleep but soaking wet and freezing huddling in a ball under the bridge. "Oh my god Minho" I exclaim coming over to him picking up his very cold body. I looked down, his jeans were ripped and he was missing a shoe. What the fuck happened? I look back to Felix as he quickly takes his phone out and dials 911. "Felix run to the car I think I have blankets in the back" I say to him as I watch him run back.

"Hey Minho, you awake bud" I say gently trying to shake him awake. His eyes open, staring back at me smiling. "Hi hyung" he says shivering between every syllable. "Hey stupid' I joke back to him earning a choked out laugh before he closed his eyes again. Felix runs back with blankets as we both wrap him up and drag him away from the water. Paramedics show up as Felix flags them down, rushing over to Minho they push me away.

I tried to go back to him but felix held me back, I was angry I looked back at him confused before he spoke "Hyunjin they are helping him" he says quietly making me melt back down. They rushed him past us as the cops come up and start asking us questions. "When did you boys come across this homeless man" the cop says pulling out his note pad.

"Hes not homeless, hes a fucking student and about twenty minutes ago" getting slightly annoyed the cop didn't have his facts straight. Apologizing he continues to ask us questions before setting us free. Felix stops him before he can leave asking what hospital Minho was taken to, telling us we rush over. I called my mom telling her what was happening as she called Minho mom.

We all simultaneously showed up at the hospital at the same time but only Minhos mom was able to go back and see him. My mom comes over hugging both Felix and I tightly. "Are you boys okay" she asks us both looking over our bodies. "Felix what happened to your wrist" she points out at Felix. "I slipped, its nothing I am fine" he says back quickly but my mom was faster. Pulling Felix by his good hand she walks straight over to a doctor telling him to exam Felix. It was nice to see how much she cared about him.

They took Felix to another room as my mom and I stayed in the waiting room, bringing me over a warm coffe she sits besides me. "I am very proud of you Hyunjin" she says taking a sip of her coffee. "Wh-what why" I ask back completely confused. "Because you didn't let anything stop you from finding Minho, even if you guys aren't friends right now. I know you still care about him" she says back calmly. I give a small smile before taking a sip of my own coffee.

"He might not be perfect, and in no way am I condoning his actions these last couple weeks but at the end of the day hes still my friend" I say back quietly again before I feel her lean over placing her head on my shoulder. "When did you get so grown up" she says back trying not to cry. "Mom stop" I sigh back to her putting my arm around her giving her a squeeze. These are things I was not use to, one my mom being here with me but her being well a mom to me. I liked it.

We waited a little bit longer before a nurse came out tell me that Felix was asking for me, looking over to my mom she gave me a nod and told me she would come get me if she heard from Minho. I follow the nurse through the hospital hall ways finally coming to a door, behind it Felix laid in a bed, his wrist now in a cast as it hung in a sling against his shoulder. "So I guess the brace wouldn't have cut it huh" I say to him jokingly as he gives me a laugh.

I walk over engulfing him in a hug, softly of course not wanting to agitate his wrist. "Hows Minho" he asks me pulling away. "I don't know actually they haven't told us anything yet" I say back looking down at my hands. "Hey hes going to be fine" he tells me taking his good hand to the bottom of my chin lifting me to look at him. But I couldn't stop it, was this my fault? Was I too harsh with him? Did he try to hurt himself because of me? Tears started to form and roll down my cheek.

"Hey hey come on, come here lay with me" Felix says softly grabbing me and pulling me over to his bed. Getting on top of him I laid my head against his chest, he let me cry and sob. Not caring I was ruining his shirt with my snot and tears. His good hand rubbing my back up and down as I continued to cry. A nurse comes in causing me to stop and sit up, "oh sorry, sir are you okay. Are you also hurt" she says examining my body. I laugh a little shaking my head, "well I just wanted to come discharge Felix and let you know your other friend is asking for you" she finishes handing Felix some forms before leaving.

Getting out of the bed Felix grabs my hand with his good one, giving it a squeeze causing me to look at him. "Lets go see Minho" he tells me walking me out the door.

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