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Chapter eight

Felix's pov

This must be a dream, this can't be real. Waking up for a second time in Hyunjin's room but this time his arms were wrapped around me. He was warm and soft, he smelled like lavender. His heart beat was steady and loud against my head, it was rhythmic and relaxing.

I felt his arms tighten around me as he stirred in his sleep, looking up at him his eyes open slowly taking in his surroundings before finally looking down at me. I couldn't help but stare at him, this was the first time I had been this up close to Hyunjin. I looked over his facial features, his eyebrows, his brown eyes, the little birth mark below the one, his long eyelashes, and his plush lips.

"Everything okay" he asks me snapping me back. I get up quickly, his arms letting me release from his body. "Uh yea sorry" I say back trying to find a reason I was staring at him. He laughs at me, "don't worry Felix, you're actually comfortable to sleep with" he says nonchalantly. But something about it made my stomach erupt with feelings.

"Want some dinner" I ask him looking down at the clock, we had napped for a long time. He nods his head as we make our way to the kitchen. "What do you want to order" he asks me pulling out some take out menus. "I thought I could cook for you" I say back shyly, his head pops up. "You don't have to do that Felix" he tells me but I insist.

Looking at his fridge it was filled with fresh ingredients, I grab a few things out and start looking around for knives and pans. Hyunjin comes over, "what are you looking for" he asks. "Uh I need a knife to cut this up and then a pan for the vegetables and meat" I tell him. He gets me everything I need and watches me from behind.

"Where did you learn to cook" he asks me, I smile down thinking back to Australia. "When I moved to Australia I was in charge of cooking the meals for my sisters and her friends, Ronnie wanted me to focus on school and stuff so she wouldn't let me get a job so I helped out around the house" I tell him. "Wow what was Australia like" he asks, his voice becoming softer but excited at the same time, like he was actually interested in my story.

"It was amazing honestly I miss it a lot" I say back, my mind flooding with all the good times I had back then. "So what made you come back" he says. I stopped for a moment before responding, "well Ronnie gave up a lot to help me so when she told me about wanting to become an idol I knew I had to help her".

"What about your parents" he asks, just then the knife slipped nicking the top of my finger. "Ah fuck" I say loudly grabbing my hand, Hyunjin stood up and rushed over grabbing my hand and running it under water. I watched him take control, almost like he cared about me. He helped bandage up my finger and brought me back to the kitchen.

"Show me how to chop stuff up and I'll handle the knife, you just worry about cooking everything" he jokes with me. After showing him what to do we continue to talk back and forth, it was almost normal like we had been doing this for years. I never realized I didn't know much about him.

Sitting down we start to eat everything we had made, "holy crap Felix this tastes amazing" he boasts out stuffing his face with more food. I laugh at him, he looked cute honestly. We finished up eating and then went to the couch, both of us just relaxing and not talking. It was comfortable for me.

I started to get tired on the couch, almost falling asleep until I heard Hyunjin speak up, "ready for bed". I nod my head and start getting up but then I felt him pick me up, I didn't fight it I was honestly exhausted. He laid me down in his bed before getting in next to me turning off the lights.

"Good night Felix" he says quietly, it made my heart skip hearing him say my name so calmly. "Good night Hyunjin" I say back turning around facing away from him. All of a sudden I wasn't tired anymore, my mind was racing. how did I end up here, spending the weekend with Hyunjin alone? It was so strange to me that only last week he was chasing me down an alley trying to fight me and now I'm in his bed.

"Are you asleep" he whispered to me breaking me from my mind. I turn over to face him, "no" I say back. He moves closer to me, looking straight at me. "C-can I do something" he asks quietly. I gulp and nod my head.

Then my world stops, Hyunjin leans over to me, his face inches from mine. His lips touch mine, kissing me softly. My lips felt like they were on fire, I kiss him back letting my mind take over.

Hwang Hyunjin was kissing me.

Hyunjins pov

Laying down next to Felix was almost natural for me, and I didn't know why. He was so different and funny and caring and everything. I let my walls down around him, telling him about my family and my life. I couldn't stop my mind from bringing him back up. I tried to control it but it took over. "Are you asleep" I whisper to him rolling over. He does the same so he's facing me, "no" he says back quietly.

I took in the scene, there was a gorgeous blonde hair boy laying next to me. His blue eyes piercing back at me, his freckles spotted around his nose and cheeks. "C-can I do something" I ask him quietly again stuttering from the nerves. He nods, I move in closer to him inhaling his scent, he smelled like me because he still wore my hoodie. Not taking a moment I lean in and kiss him.

Everything melted away, my nerves and fears, my anxiety. It was all gone once my lips touched his. He started to kiss me back, it was soft and nice. But then it turned into something more, my hands wandered over, caressing his face pulling him in closer to me. Feeling his warm body next to mine was intense. The kiss moved fast, both of us getting excited.

But he pulled away, both of us breathing heavily staring at the other. Felix smiled at me before leaning in and kissing me one last time before resting his head on my chest. My arms instinctively wrapped around him pulling him in closer. "Good night Hyunjin" he says to me one more time before both of us fall asleep.

My dreams were filled with Felix again, walking down Han river holding hands laughing. It was magical but then a storm rolled in, thunder and lightning clapped around us. Felix was ripped from my hand, I look back and was transported back to the alley three years prior. Felix layed there on the ground covered in blood and dirt.

I didn't want to watch but I couldn't look away, my foot connecting with his stomach as he stayed lifeless on the ground. It was terrible. I hated every moment of it.

I woke up the next morning sweating and breathing hard. I looked around the room but it was empty, Felix was gone. I panicked getting up quickly and looking around the house. I looked by the front door and noticed his shoes were still here, I relaxed at the thought.

"Hey" his deep voice echoes out behind me, turning around I see him. Still wrapped in my hoodie I had given him. I walked over and hugged him, I don't know why I was so scared that he had left me but feeling him next to me relaxed me. "You okay" he says into my chest, I just nod and kiss the top of his head.

"Sorry I was looking for your laundry room to grab my sweater so I could give you the hoodie back but I couldn't find it" he tells me. I pull away and smile at him. "Let me go grab it for you" I say leaving him in the living room as I walk into the room across from mine and grab the sweater.

Walking back out he was sitting on my couch, "here you go" I say handing him the clothing. "Thanks" grabbing it, "I uh should get going I have to beat my sister home so she doesn't question me" he says quietly. "Let me drive you" I smile back at him. Grabbing my stuff we head out to my car. The car ride was quiet, Felix put his address into my gps so I just followed the directions.

Pulling up he got out but before shutting the door he looks back, "I'll wash your hoodie for you" he says smiling at me again. "Oh don't worry about it" I tell him but he shakes his head. We say our good byes and I take off. This weekend was one of the best I have had in a long time. I couldn't stop thinking about Felix, how nice he felt lying on me. His lips, they were incredibly soft and intoxicating.

Getting back home I mopped around, bored out of my mind. Then I got a text from my parents telling me their trip got extended. This was normal. I didn't do anything the rest of the day. I just laid around thinking about Felix. How badly I wanted to see him again.

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