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Chapter seventeen

Hyunjin pov

Spending the night with Felix after what we just experienced was amazing, I never felt so close to someone before. Sex to me was always just easy, it was fast and heated and unloved. But this was different, with Felix it all felt new and loved and endless. My mind was racing after Felix fell asleep, I didn't want it to end. I couldn't stop smiling.

My phone started going off, so I grabbed it quickly so it wouldn't disturb Felix. Looking over my notifications I could see Minho was online, maybe I should talk to him, confront him. I was angry for what he did to Felix, for what almost happened if I hadn't come over sooner yesterday. I'd be finding Felix on the floor, drugged out and possibly dead.

I put my phone down placing it on silent, I wouldn't let my mind wander too far with that thought. I never wanted to imagine Felix hurt or dead or gone. I knew I had a lot of making up to do since I was the who caused him to do this in the first place, honestly nothing I could do would ever make up for it but at least I could try.

The next morning I woke up and I couldn't stop staring at Felix, his soft freckles spotted over his nose and cheeks. His breathing was steady and relaxed. He started to stir, opening his eyes I almost stopped breathing. His brown orbs looking back into me I couldn't help but lean in and kiss his nose.

Felix smiled before leaning over and doing the same to me. "So what's going to happen today" he whispered out, I could tell he was nervous but I couldn't wait. "What's going to happen is I am going to drive us to school, we will walk in together, go to our classes, maybe let me join you at lunch, and then I will drive you to work" I say back to him making his smile.

"O-oh okay" he said shyly back to me, "don't be nervous babe it's just another day" I whisper back to him. "By the way I need your number" I say back to him causing him to laugh. "Oh my gosh I just slept with someone who doesn't even have my number" he says dramatically face palming himself. I couldn't help but laugh back. We added each other into our phones and decided to get up.

We got dressed and headed off to school, Felix was still nervous so I put my hand on his thigh, squeezing is lightly. He looked over to me and gave me a small smile. Pulling up I park in my spot, running over to Felix's side I open it for him and grab his hand. He was blushing hard but I didn't mind it, it was so cute.

Walking in I could tell all eyes were on us, this was causing Felix to regress into himself. Taking his other hand and pulling lightly on his sweater I could tell how uncomfortable it was making him. I lean down and whisper to him "if you want me to stop holding your hand it's okay". He looked up at me shocked, shaking his head he leaned his head onto my arm as we continued walking.

I was on cloud nine.

Getting to our first class I took a new seat next to Felix, I could feel Minho's eyes burning into the back of me. I still had to confront him but I knew I couldn't just do it in class.

My leg bounced up and down in anticipation for the bell to ring for lunch. Finally the sound echoed into the class as I got up and made my way to my locker.  I waited but Minho never appeared which I thought was weird.

Whatever there would be another time, I made my way out to the field where Felix, Han, and Jeongin usually sit but something was different. Felix wasn't there. I walked up to them looking confused gaining a confused look back. "Uh where is Felix" I asked them, both looking at each other before looking at me. "We thought he was with you" they say back.

Fuck. I rushed back into school, looking around the cafeteria I still didn't see Minho which made my worry and nerves expand. I searched through every classroom and bathroom but I still couldn't find them. I took out my phone, pressing Felix's icon as I waited for it to ring, "come on come on pick up" I whisper into.

Bringing my phone down I could hear another phone going off in the distance of the empty halls. Following the sound as it got louder I came across a utility closet. I tried to open it but it was stuck, I started forcing it, shaking it back and forth. Finally it gave way and my heart sank.

There was Felix, tied up to a chair soaking wet. The room smelled heavily of cleaners, especially coming off of Felix. His sweater was torn off his body, his head hung low. "Oh my god Felix" I yelled out running over to his side. He was shaking from how cold he was, I started to untie him but he began to struggle against me. "Stop Felix it's me Hyunjin" I say back to him still trying to untie him.

His eyes finally looked up at me, he started sobbing as I released him from the chair and picked him up. "Shh Felix it's okay I am here" I whisper to him brushing the back of his head. "Who did this to you" I ask him as he shook his head into my chest. Pulling us apart I grab his chin, bringing his gaze to mine. "Was it Minho" I ask him sternly. All he did was nod his head before collapsing back into my chest crying even harder.

Han and joining rush in next to me, they must have been following me. "Holy shit Felix what happened" Han yelled out coming to Felix's side. Releasing from me Felix moved over to Han and Jeongin, both of them trying to console him. I stepped back, looking at the scene in front of me.

I was angry, no I was furious. I rush out of the closet and run into the cafeteria. Looking around I finally found him. Minho sat at our normal table eating by himself. I walk over, grabbing him by the back of his jacket and pulling him backwards. He fell back hitting the ground as I got on top of him. Grabbing his collar I screamed out "what the fuck is your problem".

Gaining the attention from everyone now he grabbed onto my wrists fighting me back, "I could ask you the same thing" he screamed out. Kicking me off of him I stumble back and then he tackles be from the front throwing us back onto the ground again. We wrestled back and forth, getting in a few hits from each of us.

Then we were separated by the staff and other students, looking at who grabbed me I saw it was Changbin. Another staff member was holding back Minho as my gaze shifted to the door. There stood Felix wrapped around Han and Jeongin. I pushed myself off of Changbin and rushed over to him, picking him up and squeezing him tightly.

Pulling away he looked back up and me and gave him a faint smile, I brushed some of his bangs off his face and I leaned down kissed him. "I am so sorry" I whispered to him still caressing his face. He nodded again before I was pulled away by the staff.

Next thing I knew I was the principals office, sitting across from Minho as we waited. I couldn't even look at him, I was still so angry. But my heart stopped again when I saw my parents walk in, looking over to my mom she looks over to me and shakes her head.

I could tell just from that one second that she was extremely disappointed in me. Great. I didn't even know they were back in town, not like they would tell me. I saw Minho's parents walk in right after, not saying a word to either of us before going into the same room as my parents.

A couple more minutes passed before our names were called into the room, great here we go.

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