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Chapter sixteen

Felix's pov

Hyunjin and I decided the next day to skip school. I was honestly drained from the night before, he stayed with me the whole night. We ended up sleeping on the couch, he was telling me about how him and Minho got into a fight and that their friendship was over. I felt bad and a little guilty but Hyunjin told me it was his decision. He didn't want someone in his life like Minho right now.

I woke up earlier than Hyunjin, he was still sound asleep on the couch. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself, my eye was bruised and the blood had dried up around the cut. I decided to take a shower, letting the warm water surround me. It was nice, peaceful almost.

When I got out of the shower I went into my room to change, the pills had been picked up. Most likely by Hyunjin last night after I fell asleep. I changed and went back to the living room, just now realizing my back door was broken down. What the fuck was I going to tell Ronnie.

Hyunjins head popped up on the couch, I smiled walking over to him placing a small kiss on his head. "Good morning" he said in a deep morning voice, hearing it made my heart skip. "Good morning" I say back as he gets up and stretches looking around the room. His eyes falling on the broken door, "uh yea about that I need to get that fixed before Ronnie comes home" I say laughing slightly.

Hyunjin laughs with me, taking out his phone for a moment before he got up. "Let me get dressed and we can go to the hardware store, I'll replace it" he says walking past me. "Hyunjin you don't have to do that I can pay for it" I say back to him watching him walk into the bathroom with his clothes.

He comes out a few moments later and says "Felix I was the one who broke it let me replace it". Smiling at me he comes over and wraps me in a hug, I didn't fight back with him I just stayed there enjoying the moment. "Let me take a photo of it before we leave, maybe we can match it and Ronnie won't notice" I say trying to pull away from him but he holds me tighter, "just a minute more" he whispers out making me blush.

After letting me go I take a photo and Hyunjin takes me to his car. Hopping in we go and stop at a cafe first, "if I'm going to be doing handy work I need this" he laughs getting out and ordering us our drinks. Then we head to the store, looking through all the options I point one out that looks similar enough and he gets it and leaves. I never noticed how large his vehicle was before but he was able to fit it in the back with the seats laying flat.

"Do you have any tools at your house" he asks me as I start to think, "uh I think there is an electric drill down in the basement" I say back to him. "Great that should do the trick" he says smiling back at me. Getting back to my house I try to assist him bringing in the new door but he was strong enough to bring it in by himself.

"I'll go look for the drill" I say as he sits back drinking on his coffee. Heading down to the basement I start to rummage through our moving boxes. Ronnie and I didn't bring a lot from Australia we only brought back the necessities. I found another box and started sifting through it but stopped when I came across a photo of my parents.

The anniversary was coming up soon, I wondered if Ronnie remembered. She usually tried to block it out, telling me I should too but I can't. I remember every detail. It was a horrific scene to come across. I shake the though from my head as I finally found the drill. Putting the photo in my back pocket I head back upstairs.

"Got it" I say to Hyunjin earning his attention, he smiles at me while I hand it to him. Again I tried to lend a hand but Hyunjin told me to just relax. So I watched him, it was simple enough where we just had to take off the broken door and replace it with the new one so it didn't take him long.

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