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Chapter two

Hyunjins pov

My parents were more than dissatisfied and disappointed with me when they found out I would have to repeat my last year of high school but it didn't matter to me. One more year as reigning king of those shitty halls. But they gave me an ultimatum, if I didn't graduate I would be cut off and I really didn't want that since both of my parents are loaded.

My alarm going off next to me always started my day off great... that was sarcasm by the way. I whined as I rolled out of my California king plush bed and started getting ready. Throwing on some black denim jeans and nice black tshirt I finish it off with a few gold necklaces. I grab my things and leave, saying goodbye to my parents as I get to my car. Texting my best friend my eta I drive over to his house honking my horn waiting for him to exit.

Lee Min-ho walks out, running over to my car and jumping in. "Thanks for picking me up Hyun" he says to me as he buckles himself up. "Whatever it's the least I can do since you bailed me out of that party last week" I say back to him, shuttering at the thought.

Last week one of the girls I was hooking up with was throwing this huge party at her house, kind of like a start of the school year thing. I was occupied in one of the bathrooms getting head from the girls best friend when she started banging on the door. Minho jumped in and saved my ass telling her I was actually downstairs. Pulling my pants up I legit jumped from the second story window just to meet her downstairs.

"You owe me way more than just driving me to school loser" Minho says back to me slapping my arm as we both laugh. Minho has been my best friend since elementary school. He was the perfect wingman for me too, always taking the ugly friend when I got the hot one. We switched on and off for that since it never seemed fair but he knew me inside and out.

Pulling up, I park and we head in to our lockers. Putting our things away I hear someone scream my name from down the hall, turning around I am faced with Brandy running full speed at me. "Don't look now but someone caught feelings" Minho whispered to me watching it unfold. She runs over and jumped up on me expecting me to catch her but I don't even try. Getting frustrated she puffs out, "what the fuck Hyunjin" crossed her arms.

Rolling my eyes back to her I ask "what do you want Brenda" purposely getting her name wrong. "What I was just a hook up" she says as tears start to form. "Uh yea Brianna" I say back still not looking at her. I just felt her run in the opposite direction. "Cold Hyun, that was cold" Minho says back laughing as we shut our lockers heading to first period.

"What I can't help it the ladies love me" I say sassily back to him earning me another slap on the arm from Minho. Walking in we find our seats and start chatting to everyone around us. "Hyunjin did you hear, Samantha is throwing a party this week, you coming" someone asked behind me. I look over at Minho and we both agree to come. I was always invited to parties but only the good ones ever happened if I showed up.

The bell rang as I started looking over my book for the class. Just then some guy walked in only seconds late and everyone around me gasped. Looking up I stared at the kid, he didn't look familiar at all so what was everyone shocked about? "Ah I heard you were coming back this year, nice to see you again Felix. Please take your seat" the teacher tells him as he walks in quietly but not before meeting my gaze, he stopped for a split second before taking a seat.

"Holy fucking shit is that Felix, I thought he killed himself" Minho whispers over to me. I knew this year was going to be a good one but I could have never imagined him coming back. My eyes burned into the back of him the whole class, as soon as the bell rang he bolted out of the class. I tried catching up to him but he was too fast, oh well that just means he will have to wait for me later.

My next classes were uneventful, finally the bell rang for lunch. Walking in to the cafeteria I find Minho sitting at our normal table and made my way over. My eyes darted around the room looking for Felix but he never showed up. Minho was in the middle of a conversation that I clearly wasn't paying attention to when I feel him slap my face. Looking back at him shocked I say loudly "what the fuck Minho".

He laughs at me before telling me "he's not here you know, someone saw him outside on the lawn with Han Jisung and that other weird looking kid Jeongin". I sigh "I wasn't looking for him asshole" I say back to him throwing my apple core at him. Hmmm so was he avoiding me? That was smart of him. I'll catch him alone eventually.

The rest of my classes sucked, Minho wasn't in a single one so I was bored out of my mind. Finally the last bell rang as I jump out of my seat and head to my locker. Minho already waiting there for me with his things since he had a study hour the last period of the day. "Ready to go" he asked me. I nod back grabbing the last of my things before we head out to my car.

There he was, Felix, standing alone on the sidewalk looking left and right. This was my moment and I knew I had to take it. "Hey Minho I think I left something back inside I'll be right out here start the car" I say back to him throwing him my keys as I slyly make my way over to Felix.

Coming up from behind his I saw as my shadow towered over him. Tapped him on the shoulder he turns around fast looking straight at me. "So it is true" I say lowly staring at him. I watch as he starts to tremble, good he was still scared of me. "I'd love to start where we left off last time Felix" I say gripping down on his shoulder hard. But then he did something unexpected, almost too fast for me to catch he had a hold of my wrist catching my off guard as he twisted it and pushed me back.

I fell down hard, my wrist burning in pain "what the fuck" I yell out getting attention from passersby. Felix just looked at me, shocked like he didn't know what he had done. "You are so fucking dead" I say back standing up but Felix took off. I head back over to my car, getting in Minho starts laughing. Looking over at him angerly I yell out "what the fuck are you laughing at". He tries to control his laugher but says back to me "Felix, ferral fucking Felix just put you on your ass".

I roll my eyes and take off. Minho finally calmed down almost getting to his house but my mind was elsewhere. What the fuck was that? How did Felix even do that? He was wimpy and weak the last time I saw him but now he's what like strong and shit? I was furious. Dropping Minho off I head to a nearby cafe to grab a coffee before I head home.

Walking in it was dead inside but someone was singing, it was a low deep voice. I wasn't able to hear exactly what they were saying but I walked over to them, their back turned to me behind the counter. Still unaware I was standing there I continue to look, this guy had a really nice voice and plus he didn't look half bad from the back. Clearing my throat he turns and I almost threw up, fucking Felix.

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