Records 31 - 40

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Power: Super Durability - A superpower that grants the individual an extraordinary resistance to damage, injury, or harm. She can still be harmed or hurt but it may take more efforts than that needed for a normal person.

Danger scale: 7/10




Power: Invisibility - Invisibility is a superpower that grants the individual the ability to become unseen by the naked eye or any form of detection.

Danger scale: 1/10




Power: Fear Induction - This individual can evoke and control the emotions of fear, causing psychological distress and influencing the thoughts and actions of those around them.

Danger scale: 10/10




Power: Shapeshifting - The individual with this ability can transform into different shapes, creatures, or even mimic specific individuals.

Danger scale: 7/10




Power: Truth-Revealing Flame - The flame from any match used by this individual reveals hidden truths. When someone speaks in the presence of this flame, the user can discern whether the spoken words are truthful.

Danger scale: 5/10




Power: Bladehand Manifestation - This superpower grants the individual the ability to transform their hands into razor-sharp blades at will.

Danger scale: 9/10




Power: Super Agility - The superpower that enhances the individual's physical agility and coordination beyond the limits of a regular human. Individuals with super agility can perform acrobatic feats, move with incredible speed and precision, and navigate complex environments with ease.

Danger scale: 3/10




Power: Enhanced Blade Mastery - The individual with this power possess unparalleled skill and control when wielding bladed weapons.

Danger scale: 9/10




Power: Healing Touch - The superpower that grants the individual the ability to heal injuries and ailments through physical contact.

Danger scale: 0/10




Power: Memory Manipulation - The power to alter memories and erase them.

Danger scale : 7/10


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