Worthless - Chaerji

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"Yeobo, ready for work?" Yeji asked as she wore her coat

"Mhm, I'm all done" Chaeryeong said with a smile as she was now in her work clothes.

"Hmm, you look beautiful my love" Yeji said and chuckled as she kissed her wife's temple

They then went out to their car and Yeji drove Chaeryeong off to her work first.

"Call me when you need me okay?" Yeji said and Chaeryeong nodded with a smile

"I love you, I'll see you later" Yeji said and pecked Chaeryeong's lips.

"I love you too" Chaeryeong said and they bid goodbye. Chaeryeong excitedly got inside the company building and started to work. She actually works in an office, checking papers and all but moreover, she was the boss's secretary, so she knew that she should always be on time and do her work properly.

Months ago, Yeji didn't want her wife to work. She knew that she had enough to sustain for the both of them, she was a CEO afterall. Other than that, she didn't want her wife to be stressing out or getting tired easily. Knowing that she's fragile and all, she was scared what her wife would have to encounter everyday.

"Goodmorning Mrs. Hwang" some of her colleagues greeted her.

"Goodmorning" Chaeryeong greeted back and then went to her boss's office.

She checked around and was confused why her boss wasn't inside.

"Hmm, I thought she told me to be early" Chaeryeong said but just shrugged it off and went to her own office.

She did paperwork just like she usually does and then checks on some schedules.

"Mrs. Hwang" she heard and looked at the person

"Oh Julie, yes?" Chaeryeong asked

"We're having lunch in a while Miss, want to join us?" Julie asked her

"Wait, I'll just-" right then she saw a notification pop up on her phone and saw it was from her boss.

"I think I cannot today Julie, but thank you for the offer" Chaeryeong said with a smile and Julie did the same before leaving.

Chaeryeong looked at the message and her boss said she needed to go to the meeting room as soon as possible so she did just that, rushing to the meeting room and entering.

All of the people there looked at her which made her a little bit nervous.

"Yes Miss?" Chaeryeong asked and then looked at her boss.

"Are you stupid?" that was the first thing her boss said and it made Chaeryeong confused

"P-Pardon?" Chaeryeong asked confusingly.

"I asked if you were stupid?! Look at this! do you think this is a work that we accept?!" her boss said and then threw the folder of the proposal towards Chaeryeong.

It shocked Chaeryeong, she flinched a little but good thing the folder didn't hit her.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about miss" Chaeryeong said, trying to hold back her tears.

"You don't know?! then you're definitely stupid" her boss said and walked towards her, picking up the folder from the floor and showing it to Chaeryeong, shoving it to her face.

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