On the Court - YuChae

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Yuna is known to be one of the best players on their basketball team in school. She has a lot of fans including girls of course but she never bothered to talk to any of them. She always says that she's not interested in dating or such

Right now she was on the basketball court along with her sisters Yujin and Ryujin, then some of her friends, Yeji, Winter, and Giselle.

"How long do we need to practice?" Winter asked as she opens up the bottle of water that she bought just a while ago

"I don't really know since Mrs. Yoo didn't tell us anything about it" Yeji answered

They were all bored of course, they just finished two games against one another and they had nothing else to do. There were some other students around the court who were seated at the bleachers

"Umm,,, how about we play a game?" Yujin suggested and looked at the older ones

"What kind of game?" GIselle asked

"Any game actually, it's up to you unnies" Yujin said and they nodded

"How about we play tag?" Yeji asked

"Too childish for that Yeji unnie" Ryujin said and the older just rolled her eyes on her

"Whatever, the you choose something better to play Shin" Yeji said, annoyed at the younger

"Can we like just rest? practice is tiring" Ryujin huffed and laid down on the bench

"You're like acting you're old" Yuna said

"Really then? Then you decide" Ryujin said to her sister

After a few minutes of thinking. Yuna already thought of a game they could play

"How about we play truth or dare?" Yuna said

"That actually sounds good" Winter said

They all agreed to play the game so they started, The first five rounds were just simple questions and a dare which lead to Yeji to shoot a ball.

"Okay, who's next?" Yeji asked

"Yuna's turn" Yujin said and they nodded

"So Yuna, truth or dare?" Yeji asked

" I don't wanna be a wimp so I choose dare" Yuna said as if she was proud of herself

"Hmm okay...." Ryujin said as she thought of a dare for her sister. She looked around the basketball court for an idea that Yuna could do. A few seconds then, she finally thought of something as she notice some other students around

"So?" Yuna asked, anticipating for the dare

"I dare you to ask any other student here, besides us, to compete with you. One. on. one" Ryujin said and smirked. Yuna looked around and chuckled

"So easy unnie, as if there's someone better than me here" Yuna said and rolled her eyes on her unnie

"Go on and choose someone" Ryujin said and all of them chuckled

Yuna then stood up from the bench and went off to choose someone. Of course she figured that she should compete with someone who might not know about basketball.

"No way she's asking her" Giselle asked in horror

"Why?" Yeji asked

"Oh hello no, she's really going to ask Lee Chaeryeong?!" Ryujin said in shock

"Why? I don't get it" Yeji said

"She's just a cheerleader" Winter said

"Not just any cheerleader, she's the captain and she's very competitive" Giselle said

"One time they said she defeated a senior in soccer" Yujin said

"And one time she also defeated someone in tennis" Giselle added

"Pfft, that's easy" Yeji said

"Five times" Ryujin added which made Yeji shocked

"Well I hope Yuna doesn't get defeated by her" Winter said and the others nodded

"I know right, yeah and then she-" Chaeryeong was then cut off from talking with her friends. Particularly Lia, Ningning, Karina, and Wonyoung

"Hey" Yuna said as she walked towards them and looked at the cheerleader captain

"Oh hi, My name's Lee Chaeryeong" Chaeryeong said with a smile

"Chaeryeong....." Yuna trailed off and Chaeryeong chuckled at how the younger said her name

"Yes?" Chaeryeong asked with a small smile on her lips

"Hello. my name is Yuna. Wanna play a little one on one? Doll?" Yuna asked

"Doll?" Chaeryeong asked as she raised her brow. Her friends giggled because they knew that Chaeryeong doesn't like to be called that way especially when she's not close to that person

"Mhm" Yuna hummed and Chaeryeong then stood up from her seat. She was wearing her cheering outfit obviously

"On the court" Chaeryeong said and went towards the center as she was followed by Yuna

"Goodluck bae~" Lia said to the younger as they watched her go off to play a little one on one with Yuna

The two started to play and Yuna's friends were all stunned to see Chaeryeong play. As expected from the girl, she was comptetitive.

"H-how is she better than me?" Winter asked as her eyes widened

"Knew it" Giselle said as Chaeryeong got another point

"She's a freaking cheerleader!" Yeji exclaimed as she saw Chaeryeong get another point

A little later they got finished and Yuna was exhausted

"Hmm, 13-21. Better luck next time..... bunny" Chaeryeong said and chuckled as she handed Yuna the basketball and went back to her friends

"Damn Yuna, Chaeryeong sunbae won against you" Yujin said

"Y-yeah..." Yuna said

"The hell you stuttering for? don't tell me you're..." Yeji asked

"Yep, she fell for that cheerleader. Come on Yuna, we need to get home" Ryujin said as she dragged Yuna away so that she, Yujin and Yuna could go home


Months Later.....

"That was exhausting" Yeji huffed and sat down on the bench

"I told you that you can't win against her" Ryujin said at the side

"I need lots of water" Winter huffed

"You two lost against her? gosh" Giselle said and chuckled

"You should tell your friends to practice more babe" Chaeryeong said to Yuna and it made Yuna chuckle. Yeji and Winter of course wanted to try to play against Chaeryeong after they knew that she and Yuna were dating

"I will" Yuna said and wiped off the sweat from Chaeryeong's forehead

"Hmm... I have to go and change now. I have cheer practice, will you pick me up later.... bunny?" Chaeryeong asked and Yuna swore that the older sounded sexy as she said that

"You don't have to ask. I'll always pick you up" Yuna said and it made Chaeryeong giggle

"I'm looking forward to that. Bye my bunny" Chaeryeong said and pecked Yuna's lips

Yuna was then left smiling like an idiot on the side

"Whipped" the other girls said in unison

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