sleeping beauty

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Averys P.O.V

I open my eyes feeling a body pressed up against mine breathing on to my neck.I look around to see a a few more sleeping bodies,Kaiden,Jax and max were all spread out on the other couch but Liam,Mave and Xavier were nowhere to be seen and Parker well Parker is the one cutting off circulation to my arm.

Wait a minute why is Parker practically in my skin due to how close he is and why is he so warm he's like a human heater.I go to get up but when but I try to move Parker tightens his grip on the middle of my torso shoving his face deeper into the crook of my neck if that's even possible.

Fuck how am I supposed to get out of his death grip.Groaning I continue to lay there It wasn't all that bad right he was warm and smelt nice.About ten minutes pass when I notice max start to move around before completely waking up.Ive been saved.

"Max!" I whipper shout at him making him turn.He looks the situation I'm in up and down before  letting out a laugh."Theres no getting out of that" He says in a raspy morning voice laughs falling behind it."Just help me!" I snap at him while wiggling my arm trying to recirculate blood flow.

"What was that?"He says like he was expecting something. "I said help, can you hear?"I snap getting angry with his stupid questions."Oh I know what you said but that wasn't a polite way to ask,Don't worry i'm nice so ill let you have a second chance." he says condescendingly with a smug smirk placed on his lips.

"What!?"I look at him with disbelief is he really trying to correct my manners when it feels like my arm is about to fall off."Need a little more help I see,The word I'm lookin for is please." he says even more condescendingly if that is even possible.This little shit.

"You have to be joking." i mumble out "Please get him off of me." I groan out not very amused with giving him the satisfaction but at least I will get to keep my arm."Oh sense you asked so nicely I guess I can help you." he laughs while getting up from the other couch and making his way over to me and the leach that is clinging to me.

He grabs a pillow and slides it under Parkers head freeing my arm,One more second and I may have lost it for good. I slowly slide out while he replaces me with another pillow which will now be taking the wrath of Parkers death grip.

I stand up stretching my my muscles,Max stands in front of me with is arms crossed "What do you say?" He asks like he's a mother not that I would know much about what a mother looks like."Thanks." I sigh because honestly I was thankful that I was still in possession of two arms.

He grins "No problem muffin." he snickers.I look at him blank faced "Did you just fucking call me muffin." I look at him with pure disbelief out of all sweets he chose that fucking dry ass calorie bomb."Mhm!" he laughs out.He seems proud of himself, he shouldn't be.

I walk over to the empty recliner and Flop down leaving the reclining part tucked away."Where are the others?" Max asks me sitting down at the end of the couch Parker was sound asleep on."Well they have to be in the house sense there watching me like a toddler." I grumble.

"What did you do to deserve that? he snickers "I don't think I deserve it." I mumble under my breath before giving him my actual explanation "I snook out through my window got wasted and a parentally attempted to assault a police officer oh and the piercing thingy." He looks at me confused "You broke like five rules and you don't think you deserve having a close eye on you?".

"He could easily just send me to prison its what I would prefer anyways." I scoff.Now he seems shocked I guess most people would rather this than prison,But for me it just feels like everyone who has called me crazy or told me I need professional help is right.And they aren't.

"Why would you rather that?" He asks giving me a chance to explain myself."At least there I will have a familiar surroundings." I say just as he was about to respond Liam walks into the living room."Good morning,Breakfast is ready!" he smiles and makes his way towards the couches to wake up the others.

I shift my eyes away from max and stand up signaling to him that our conversation is over.It takes Liam about ten minutes to get Parker up,He only got up when he said that we were having pancakes.every one was eating and talking like they always do.m not interlay zoned out I can hear what there saying but I only pick up on what they are saying if a key word catches my ear.

"Avery,Mave is taking Parker out to get some paint Y-" Xavier starts but is cut off when I butt in "If you think I'm going out again you are entirely mistaken." I scoff at him while pushing mu food around on my plate."Well its that or you sit in my office with me until he gets back."he says "Okay then ill just do that because I am not going out today." I say in a less aggressive tone after relishing that he was not going to force me to go out."fine with me."

So that's were I am now,Parker and Mave left about 20 minutes ago to go shopping for paint and for the entire time they have been gone we have been sitting in silence other that the typing on Xaviers Laptop.Oh how I miss my laptop I used to watch movies on that shit all the time.

"This is so Boorriinngg" I groan dragging out the the word while trowing my my head back and rubbing my hands over my face."I told you I had work to do." he says while letting out a amused chuckle."Is there literally anything else we can do?" I complain.You cant blame me though its one of the few things I'm good at."We could talk?" he suggests but it sounds more like a question.

"Um I think I would rather sit in silents." I say crossing my arms."It was worth a shot.." he sighs and goes back to tip tapping away.

Ok yes I know I said I would try and make it longer but I planned on doing this at night and not after school but it completely slipped my mind that I was going to spend the night at my boyfriends tonight.i was originally gonna make him cough up a little bit of trauma to Xavier but I can do that another day, you will probably see a update on like Sunday to so don't be to worried you will get your fill to all the people who have asked for updates a hear you I promise.-ELI<3

Word count:1,172

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