hair dye adventure

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Averys P.O.V

I stare into the bathroom mirror after getting getting out of the shower.This time my main focus is not my body but the nasty looking faded hair dye,The electric blue mixed with the bleached hair under it had mixed into a concoction of blue and swamp green.let me just say I am not very pleased with it nor am I pleased that I have to ask someone to take me to go get hair dye.

Xavier or Mave.From what I have seen those are the only to that do the driving.Xaviers nicer but he's usually busy after lunch and Mave is a broody ass but he has dyed hair so he clearly knows where to by it.Unless he goes and gets it done by someone,Doesn't mutter anyway all I need is black box dye.I'm reverting back to my natural state  

Mave seems like the best choice.

Now the hard part I have to ask him.I hate asking for things every time I would ask for anything when I was younger like food, cloths and basic hygiene needs or just necessities in general I was told I was being selfish or greedy.Then I would get scolded by my dads fist for even having the nerve.So the asking part is going to be the most difficult.

I leave the steamy bathroom with my towel wrapped around my waist revealing a few scars on my hips,They make me want to gag every time I see them.They are faded to the point if you got a quick glance you wouldn't notice but if you looked at me for a second you would see them.But to me they Stand right out I mean they are on my body.

I Throw on a pair of black sweat pants and a ashy green zip up hoodie with some indie band on the back of it.I get every thing I need ready and slayed out of my bed by every thing I may need I mean my wallet and only my wallet,I set out my shoes as well.

I stand waiting by my door still in my room,Where would he be.I really hope he's not in his room knocking is so embarrassing.He reads quite a bit and when ever I see him read he's on that same spot on the couch in the living room.

Okay Ive decided if he's not on the couch or anywhere down stairs I'm not doing it,I like those odds.I take a deep breath and twist open the door handle.I make my way through the hallway quietly out of habit.Im about half way down the stairs when I spot Mave sitting on the couch reading and Kaiden sitting on the recliner passed out with headphones in.I miss my headphones.

I step off the last step allowing myself to make a little noise so I don't have to do that awkward thing where you just stand there until your noticed.Luckily my tactic worked and Mave looked up at me seeming a little shocked."Good your here." I mumble under my breath.

I look at him and he's looking back at me with a confused look on his face."Um okay I know I'm kinda a ass to you but would you do me a favor." I ramble out avoiding eye contact. "what is the favor?" he asks sliding a book mark in between the pages of his book and setting it down on the couch beside him.

"Would you take me to the store to buy hair dye?" I ask still not able to look him in the eyes."Yeah sure."he says catching me off guard "Really!?" my head shoots over to look at him.He seems confused "Just go get your shoes on." he says shaking his head like he was amused.

Whatever let him be amused.I go up the stairs and through the hall with more pep in my step then normal.i slide on my convers and slip my wallet into the pocket of my sweat pants before making the journey back through the hall and down the stairs and finally meeting Mave at the front door keys in his hand.

We make our way out the door when I realize that I have never been alone with Mave.I have been alone with Jax an Xavier and I was pretty much alone with Max unless you count the others sleeping around me.The others that I Haven't been alone with don't intimidate me as much as Mave dose.

I slide into the passenger seat because it would be weird if I sat in the back while it was just the two of us right?He starts the car and we pull out of the drive way the only sound in sight for a good five minutes was the engine.That science is interrupted by Mave.

"What color are you doing?" he asks not taking his eyes off the road."Im just going back to all black."I shrug "Black box dye is really hard to get out." he says gives me the information that most people who've dyed there hair know. "Thats the point." I say because the whole reason I'm going back is One because its my natural color and Two because it takes forever to fade.

"Why were you so shocked that I said yes?" he asks randomly catching me off guard."Why are you always asking me questions?" I grumble asking him the question instead of giving him a answer "Why do you never answer them?"He asks back doing the same thing I did."Shut up" groan quietly crossing my arms while slouching in the seat turning my head to stare out the window.

We drive for about another eight minutes in complete silence before we pull into some sort of hair store I'm guessing by the name "Hair Hair Hair" how unique.we both get out of the car and make out way inside.I let my eyes wander around finding the hair dye isle in the process.I make my way to the isle Mave following behind me while typing something on his phone.

I scan the shelves before settling on some random dye that I had seen on my twitter feed a few months back before I was sent away.I grab the box and make my way to the front desk that was being run by and older looking guy around his late fifties.Mave stands behind me while I start hacking out. 

"Will this be all.?"The man asks in a raspy voice making it clear to me that he is a smoker. "Yes it is." I reply if you cant tell on not good with cashiers or waiters or any employee ever so I try to stay on the typical script."Aright then that will be twenty five on the dot." he say while tossing the dye into a small brown paper bag.

I take out my wallet and retrieve the money and got to hand it to him.He reaches out to grab it and touches my arm a unnecessary amount.I yank my arm away and watch him write something on the receipt and toss it in the bag ."Have a nice day." he rasped out giving me a nasty wink.

"You to." I manage to get out before practically booking it out of the store Mave following behind me.We hop into the car and I let out the breath I hadn't even realized I was holding.I see Mave debating weather or not he should say something,Thank goodness he doesn't.

We drive in silence just like we had most of the way here.durning that silence I notice that Mave goes off route a little bit and next thing I know were pulling into the long line of a coffee place dive through.Your joking.I choose not to complain instead I grab the receipt then man had written on to see what he had said. In black in it says ' ### ### #### Call me and we can have some fun sweetie.' 

I stare at the words sprawled out of the receipt,Disgusting.Where dose someone get the nerve and confidence to write that on someones receipt,The dude was easily more than double my age.I guess the disgust was showing on my face a little to much because Mave spoke up. "Whats the issue." He asks confused.

I think about weather or not I should show him,Whats the harm he will probably just think I'm over reacting with my facial expressions anyway.I turn the receipt towards him and watch his face twist into disgust just as mine had."Thats nasty." he hisses grabbing the receipt from me and  crumpling it up before tossing it into the back of car.

It took about ten more minutes before he got his coffee, he offered me one but I had to decline because I had a nap scheduled for when I get home. Nap then dye hair was m plan for the rest of my day.

 So thats what I did,I got home and took my nap before I was forced into eating dinner.I then went up stairs and and dyed my hair and my hands and my shower and my sink and my back and torso.hopefully that will come out with some cleaning solution, was my last thought before going to sleep luckily my sheets and pillow cases are black .

I have anther story that I had started wighting a bit ago its called forbidden fruit and its a brothers best friend romance just poly, and the main character is. icubus so thats fun.But if that sounds interesting to anyone let me know because I would like to continue it!-ELI<3

word count:1574


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