Asking for trouble.

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Averys P.O.V

Like every other morning that I have spent captive in this prison I wake up to a knock on the door it was gentle and soft, Liam? My suspicions were confirmed when Liam spoke. "Time for breakfast Avery!" He says in his usual kind and chirpy voice "Mhug" I groan out in acknowledgment, he must have got the memo because I heard is soft almost silent footsteps fade away.

I sit up feeling disgusting and heavy from all the pizza I ate last night, not my brightest idea but I sure did enjoy it in the moment.I throw on a black hoodie that covers my frame entirely and make my way out the door and toward the stairs. As I finish my decent down the stairs I look at the people at the table every one was there except for me and Jax. I have to a fight a smirk from coming on my face, I wonder how mr boss man will react.

 I Take my seat next to Xavier and Liam. My plate has already been filled,Great I was really fat last night and this is the first day that I have to follow ass faces rule."Wheres Jaxs?" the hyper blond also known as Parker asks Liam with is face tied into the slightly confused look."I don't know I Knocked and he answered." he answers. before any one else could had to that conversation jax quietly slips into his chair. 

I look at his end of of the table and see a shocked max and a unreadable Mave."Whoa when did you...?" max breathes out clearly in shock.Xavier must have picked up on his tone and looks up at the two boys which is when I can see his face twist into anger."Jaxson." He says in a stern tone "Yes?" Jax answered as if he had no clue in the world why Xavier was mad. At this point I am fighting for my life to keep a straight face.

"Please tell me you didn't shove a needle through your Nose with no experience what so ever." he says slightly raising his voice but still keeping himself composed."I didn't." Jaxs said causing Xavier to sigh "So its fake?" he asks eyebrow raised "No, I just said I didn't do it I had help." He responds in his blut tone but still managing to sound like a smart ass.Xavier visibly tenses up again.I couldn't hold it anymore and let out a quite sinker covering my mouth with my hand.

"Avery is there something funny?" Xavier asks All eyes now on me great going Avery."Yeah you've  got your Panties in a knot over a piercing." I say voice filled with amusement "Plus I take it to offense that you think I did a bad job." I scoff while letting it slip that I was the one who did the piercing because nobody else was getting credit for my handy work or the fact that it pissed off Xavier.

"I expect to see the both of you in my office when you finish eating." he says In a angry almost demanding tone that left know room form denial.Breakfast after that was almost silent with clear tension.Surprisingly I finished what he had put on my plate which wasn't much just some fruit a piece of toast and one egg.  

Jax had finished before me and already made his way to Xaviers office. When I finished I did the same, watching as Xavier helped clean up which was almost done meaning he would be joining us shortly.I wasn't worried about it There no punishment that he could give me that is worse than one of my fathers.

I walk into his office closing the door seeing ax sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk, Floping down into the chair next to him I ask "So what dose he do for punishments?"He shrugs "it depends on who you are and what would be a punishment to you." he answers "Well good thing jackass doesn't know shit about me."

Not even a minute later the door opens and reveals a angry Xavier. He sits down at his desk Rubbing his hands over his face in frustration."When exactly did the two of you do this?" he asks glancing between the two of us quite obviously trying to cool himself down, Why not just yell? "Around like Three, early morning hours I guess." he answered "And how exactly did the two of you end up at the same location at three in the morning?" He asks looking at Jax thank fuck.

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