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The sun beams in through the window shining directly on to my face causing me to fully wake up from the much needed nap I took.How long did I sleep for the sun to already be setting?

yawning and stretching my arms above my head I glance over at the clock on my nightstand which read five forty three.When did I fall asleep?

Thats when it all hits me.I feel my face heat up as I recall what happened at the mall.I cried infront of him,On Him!?I slide my hands over my face before they fall to my lap.There is no way I did that right I couldn't have been that tired right?

And to top it all off I fell asleep on his lap,His lap!..My face burns and I can already tell I'm redder then a fucking lobster without even looking at myself.The worst part is that it was the best sleep I have gotten in a long while, I didn't have a nightmare.

I should apologies right?I was acting like a child who skipped a nap,Crying over a couple of loud noises.I let out a low groan,Could I have embarrassed my self more.And just how did I get into my bedroom?Theres no way a walked here I would remember that.My already warm face starts burning hotter than it had been before if thats even possible.

Somebody had to carry me from the car up the stairs and to my bed room.some how this just got even more humiliating, because of the way Xavier has me eating now theres no question whether or not I've gained weight.

I'll have to figure out who the hell carried me to my room as well because they also deserve an apology.

I finally will myself to roll out of bed and to the bathroom after putting my bladder through five minutes of hell.While I'm washing my hands I stare in the mirror.My cheeks are still slightly tear stained my eyes still noticeably red and puffy.I attempt to swallow only now realizing how dry my throat is.

Before heading down stairs to grab a drink I decide to splash my face with water just like I had In the morning,Water may not wash away tiredness very well but it can cure my after crying face well partially.I fix. my hair slightly before taking a deep breath and bracing my self, I'm not certain what for but ill find out.

I exit my bathroom flicking the light off behind me before making my way to my bedroom door.I Already hear the Tv running down stairs  so I decide to walk loud enough that you can hear it all the way down the stairs instead of just starting to at the very end.

Once I make it to the bottom of the stairs I glance in the corner of my eye to see who's watching tv.Jax and Liam.Jax is completely transfixed on some murder documentary while Liam just looks happy to be there.I watch as his gaze shifts to me and his eyes widen in surprise the slightest bit.

I act like I hadn't seen them and continue to make my way to kitchen pleased to find it empty.I grab a plastic cup from the cabinet and fill it up with water before practically chugging the whole glass.

As I was about to go and throw away the cup I hear soft foot steps enter the kitchen turn around to see who I had expected.Liam.

I toss the cup in the trash while not saying anything to the other man in the kitchen.turning around to go back up to my room but before I could the honey blond man spoke

"Hey Avery."he says with his signature soft smile that makes you feel all warm inside."You feeling any better?" he asks in a tone that made me believe he might actually care."yeah thanks." I say with a sigh "Sorry for ruining your shopping trip and you know for making things weird.." I say not being able to look at him out of pure humiliation.

"don't be silly Avery it wasn't weird nor did it ruin anything everyone has bad days, lack of sleep can play a big part in some of those bad days."That was defiantly not the answer I had expected."I-oh.." I mumble out not really knowing what to say.

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