Hungover chats

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Averys  P.O.V

When I awake from my sleep I am greeted with the sun shining in my eyes and a throbbing in my head as a big fuck you for what I did yesterday, a constant reminder.I groan rubbing my face as if it would make my head ache go away.I bring my hands away from my face glancing over at the alarm clock on my nightstand, 12:33 not to bad,My eyes catch something else on my nightstand before turning away.

A bottle and two little white pills accompanied by a note written on a yellow sticky note.I reach out and grab the pills and water and take them, my throbbing brain not even picking up on the fact that I don't know what they are not really caring at this moment in time currently my only motive was to stop the pain.

I put the cap back on the water bottle letting it sit in my lap,Leaning over I grab the sticky note from the night stand and bring it into my line of sight.

The note.                                                                                                                                                                                           The pills are just your average pain killers please take them for your hangover.                                      After you do that please come and find me we have a lot to take about.-Xavier

This is it he's finally kicking me out,Finally giving up on me.I knew he would eventually better sooner than later even though it took him longer than I would have liked.I force my body up relising i'm still wearing the same outfit I wore when I left the house.I change out of the dirty cloths into a pair of black sweatpants and a oversized navy blue t shirt.

I make my way to the door taking a deep breath letting it out with a over dramatic sigh,I exit my room well the room it won't be mine after this conversation.Surprisingly the house its quiet like weirdly quite, whatever I shrug it off not giving enough fucks to care at the moment.I make my decent down the stairs and over to Xaviers office.

"Here goes nothing." I grumble out under my breath before raising my fist and knocking on the door causing the sound to echo off the walls causing sound to the nearly silent house.

"Come in."Xavier calls from inside his office.

I open the door entering the office "Your little post it said you wanted to talk to me." I grumble again clearly expressing my dislike of the fact that I am here."Please have a seat,Yes I did and I am assuming you know why correct?".I flop down on to one of the chairs in front of his desk, that seems to have become a common thing for me."Yeah I do." I mutter out.

"Why did you do it Avery?" He asks me causing my eyes to meet his face in confusion, Wasn't he just supposed to kick me out boom done they send me back home and lock me up.Why did I do it, i didn't have an answer for him though in some fucked up way it felt like home.

"I don't no, felt like it I guess?" I reply although my answer comes out more sounding like a question."Avery Alcohol and drugs are not allowed here and I have been far to lenient with you."Xavier groans leaning back in his black rolling office chair,His black hair is messy falling over his tired face."Starting tomorrow you will have either me or Mave with you at all times,For about a week this will act as your punishment for the sneaking out and for the piercing." He says calmly explaining it to me.

having someone Following  around for a whole week fuck no."So your going to fucking stalk my very move for a week, you have to be joking." I complain "God, just kick me the fuck out and move on with your life."I mutter under my breath.

I know I was heard when I see the expression on his face, it was almost sad."Avery I don't plan on kicking you out." he says in that tone, The afraid to break me tone.Im confused why wouldn't he its the most rational thing to do I broke like half the rules."Why not?" I ask sounding confused. "Because I want to help you Avery ,i want to see you happy." he sighs looking at me. "I don't need your help i'm not crazy, I thought that we have been over this" I say a small bit of anger coming into my voice because it was the only amount I could produce without making my head explode.

"Avery I know your not crazy,Your just hurt." he says calmly. Not crazy just hurt? I stare blankly at the man front of me not sure as what to say nobody has ever really put it that way."Are we done here." I say blankly putting up a wall feeling very exposed at the moment.

"Yes we can be but you still need to eat." He says obviously getting the memo, he stands up and walks towards the door and I follow.We make our way to the kitchen." So what are you in the mood for?" he asked me. "ill just have leftovers from breakfast." I shrug wanting to get out of here as fast as I can.He puts a piece of French toast on my plate along with two maple sausage links and pops it in the microwave for about two minutes.

"So Avery would you be interested in going shopping, we could get some things to personalize your room?" he asks looking at me with a calm and semi sweet expression ." I mean sure I guess we could." I finish my sentence as soon as the microwave goes off letting us know that the food was done.

He hands me the food, I take it from him and start eating it a little faster than I would usually goal being get out as soon as possible.Bad fucking idea.My fast eating and my stomach that only had day old booze in it weren't agreeing with the food I was shoving there way.My hand comes up and covers my mouth standing up and bolting towards the trashcan."Avery!?" Xavier shouts after me in confusion.

I make it to the trash can in the living room before emptying every thing I had just tried to eat."Are you alright?" Xavier says coming up behind me placing a comforting hand on my back."Yeah i'm fine i'm just going to go lay down" I grumble out and shrug off his arm. "Okay Avery make sure to finish that water, I will be seeing lots of you tomorrow." he says almost teasingly.

What is up with this guy and why is he so keen on proving he cares about me?

Forced this shit out of me dying rn but you get a chapter so yip fucking pee,Any way hope y'all like it even no its short-Eli<3

Word count:1183

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