💀💜Gay thought #83💜💀

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Dear Diary,

Day 11 of this "roadtrip." The results are in. Everyone voted for the elevator so let's hope we find a working one. SMG4 laughs anxiously while I'm keeping my cool because, ya know, our encounter with elevators in the past was...painful. We're searching from top to bottom, feeling tense if we're gonna step on booby traps (Heh. Boobies but SMG4 are- I shouldn't finish that sentence) and the casino is like an infinite loop. Man, I just want to see daylight...embrace the sunlight as it's hitting my skin while feeling warm and bright in my grumpy mood. Fresh air would be nice as well, this place makes me so claustrophobic...a never ending horror game that we're stuck forever...My mind were interrupted by my stinky shriek, goes behind me and his body presses against my back while he wrap his arms around my stomach and I can feel his shivering. "What is it Four?" I asked him gently. His breath sounds like he's having a panic attack as he points at a plastic baby doll, probably thinking that it's alive and wants to murder him. "It's...it's...that creepy baby back at the cringe content farm world! J-Johnny! He's coming for my ass!" He whispers harshly with fearful eyes and holds me tightly. Wh- SMG4 are you high or something? Content farm? Like those weird ass kid videos that we see on Youtube? Thank god I wasn't there...But I have an idea! "Step aside bb, I got this!" SMG4 listens then does what I told him while rubbing his knuckles nervously and watches my next move. I look confident as I'm taking a few steps back, getting ready to get rid of my stinky's fear with an evil grin by running towards the cursed baby doll and kicking the shit out of it goodbye! The doll flies like a T- pose baby and bashes into an elevator so insert explosion clips there.

That felt great! Kicking a baby is so much fun! I laugh like an evil villain but being cut off by SMG4's soft lips. My eyes widened and my face was red like tomato soop as he released the kiss and buried his face on my chest. "M-My hero...thank you Three..." He muffles and hugs me proudly. Awww...I'm his hero...how adorable...I hug back gently and pats his head. "No problem my sweet prince...But you did ruin my villain laugh-" He lifts his head while raising a brow with the "Bruh really?" look as I'm giving him an innocent grin and make a nervous sound. "Well acTUALLy you're like an anti-hero and not really a villain since you helped and hung out with your friends for a very long time so seeing you evil is quite impossible because of how much you changed and we know deep down, you do care about us and you're being such a tsundere by hiding your true feelings and not showing your true self so therefore, you're the biggest yet the cutest softie I've ever met in my entire life and you do deserve all the happiness and kindness from me and the other!" My jaw is wide open in shock. SMG4 WENT NERD MODE ON ME! Holy dead memes...I...WHAT!? I pinch his cheeks in response and give him a death glance as he looks at me cockily and giggles adorably.

After our intense moment together, we walk to the elevator and check to see if number one, it's safe, number two, if there's power and number three, try not to go insane. The buttons are missing, the lights flicker slightly and it's pretty small. Oh great, my claustrophobia is kicking in! At least there's power so that's good to know...We enter the elevator as I press the stable button and it closes itself while going up. Where is the elevator taking us? More death traps or freedom? Our minds are constantly racing as SMG4 creates another poll to keep himself entertained while I'm thinking about the next scenarios... You better make the right choice or else I'll kick your asses!


{Poll #2, Me and SMG3 are in the elevator! Great job! I know we can count on you guys! For this vote, what should we do in our spare time? Since we don't know when the elevator will reach our destination...}


Cuddle and chat

💜 SMG3's Gay Thoughts 💜Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang