💀💜Gay thought #90💜💀

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Dear Diary,

Day 17 of snowtrapped partie quatre. Mimimimimi...Mmmmmmm this is a beautiful day to take a nice stroll in the city and go shopping. SMG4's bright blue eyes shine with excitement to be out of his castle and spending time with me as he grabs my hand tightly while looking at the crowded people. I let him drag me around to every store, shop for his favorite stuff and explore the city together. I can't stop smiling whenever I see him doing something cute. For example, making sure that I see what he see by pointing at it, if I don't, he will grab my cheek willingly and force me to look at whatever he wanted to show me, hug my side whenever he's nervous or scared, squeal lovingly when he see cute animals on the street or anything in the store, the way he carry the bags while skipping happily and so on. After our day is over, we're heading back to the Showgrounds for our romantic dinner and watching a movie. Home sweet home...I cannot believe we're neighbors...our homes are facing each other...I'm running a coffee shop business while Four is living in a castle with the crew... It's nice to see my bb enter my coffee shop for his usual latte every morning while bringing his laptop to work on his memes and video progress. It's all thanks to him...we got the good ending and I was so thrilled to move next to my stinky...not because I wanna be close to my "friends" just wanna live in a new environment...yeah that's right. Let's not forget that our pets are getting along too! It's so precious! It's like a mini version of us! Mimimimimi...Mmmmmmm the movie ends, we're cuddling in his bed with shirt and boxers only and talking about our wonderful day. God I wanna kiss his lips...I lean in closer to him as he's still talking cheerfully and shut his mouth with mine for a passionate kiss. I can hear his idiot Italian giggle while we're kissing...Wait, idiot Italian?

I wake up slowly from my dream to see that I'm kissing Mario's nose. His cross eyed stare at me menacingly with his goofy wide smile and his mustache grow bigger than his face while letting out his signature "OoooOOOOoooO". I pull my lips away from his dumb nose, screaming of disgust and embarrassment, and throw a pillow at his stupid face. WTF!? WHERE DID MARIO COME FROM AND WHY IS HE HERE!? My face is showing a lot of emotions while my dumbass avatar eats the pillow like it's marshmallow with a happy smile and says "Yummy!". I'm dumbfounded about this situation and facepalm. "Mario! What are you doing here!? How did you find us and where's SMG4?" He blinked one eye at the time and grinned like an idiot "I didn't want to disturb S Emm Gee 3's beauty sleep so I watch you instead! Someone had a sweet dream of a certain blue meme boy~" He wiggles his eyebrows teasingly while I'm staring back at him with a death glance as he continues to talk "Mario doesn't remember but S Emm Gee 4 is in the bathroom making out with the toilet! So romantic!" Ugh great...This road trip is officially ruined by the Saw wannabe death rooms and now Mario is here with us...Way to kill the mood...Now I can't propose to SMG4! I swear to dead memes if he finds my sussy notebook, steals it and writes his stupid part, I'm just gonna burn it. Don't you think ABOUT IT READERS AND FUTURE ME! (Stop breaking the fourth wall dude.-)

I get out of bed to check on SMG4 in the bathroom as Mario follows me and stares at us like a dumbass. My baby blue is crying beside the toilet and on the floor, smells like vomit and looks like a mess. New fears unlocked for SMG4, hangover and alcohol. "Are you okay man?" His face lifts up with teary eyes to look at me while Mario is humming "Careless Whispers" behind me quietly as my bb crawls toward me, gets up and hugs me tightly. I really don't care about the wreck because I wanna find out if SMG4 is okay and he's experiencing a hangover for the very first time. I hug him back and smooth talk into his ear so Mario can't hear us. Later in the morning? when SMG4 is feeling much better and Mario smirks at me teasingly. This motherfucker...I will eat spaghetti in front of him to see his cry of agony. Ugh you know what time it is? It's voting time! Me and SMG4 will have a "talk" with Mario while figuring out what to do since we have a not big surprise yet unpopular demand new party member. Can my day get any worse now?


{Poll #7, so apparently Mario is here with us...Should we keep him or not?}

Yes! Keep him!

No! Ditch him!

💜 SMG3's Gay Thoughts 💜जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें