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The four darted towards the yawning mouth of the tunnel.

"NO!" Wasp shrieked.

Vines bolted up the cave exit, blocking their path. The leaves had an aura of menace, making Cricket stay away. Bumblebee burst into tears.


Bumblebee was now wailing super loudly and Cricket was surprised that she had been quiet for this long.

"Bumblebee STOP!" Cricket cried, covering her ears. Luna, Swordtail, and Blue did the same.

Cricket noticed that Wasp was getting annoyed and when she turned around she saw that the vines blocking the tunnel were slowly falling.

She's losing focus. Cricket thought. I really hope this works.

"Bumblebee." Cricket said sternly. "You need to listen very closely. Commencez à pleurer aussi fort que vous le pouvez. Nous avons besoin que Wasp soit distrait pour pouvoir nous échapper."

Cricket said it loudly, but in French, so no one else could understand. Bumblebee nodded solemnly and started screaming and bawling at the top of her lungs. "Bon travail" Cricket yelled over the crying.

Bumblebee grinned happily and kept screaming. Cricket used this time to take her dagger again and cut the vines that Wasp had grown around their legs. It was harder this time because the vines were thicker and stronger.

The creepy vines on the exit were falling away and she could see the struggle of Wasp trying to keep them up. As soon as the gap was big enough Cricket grabbed Blue's hand and jumped through the hole. Once they were in the tunnel they saw Swordtail, Luna, and Bumblebee come out too.

They ran all the way back to the tunnel entrance and the fog."Cricket." Blue said when they were out. "You're bleeding."

"Oh!" Cricket said, surprised. She held up her hand where there was a long thin cut slicing through her palm. "It's nothing." She said.

"It's something." Blue protested. "Here." He cut off a bit of his sleeve and carefully wrapped it around her hand.

"Thank you." Cricket siad, blushing.

"Um, guys," Swordtail said. "Stop being cute and look this way." They looked at him and then where he was pointing. Cricket glanced into the tunnel and saw the vines coming towards them.

Wasp had not given up.

A/N: Sorry, a short chapter. But I will try to get another one out later today.

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