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Luna took her head out of her talons. Wait, talons? She looked at what used to be her human hands. Sure enough, they were claws. Her new hands unconsciously reached for her head and ran them across her long swirling horns. Luna slowly turned her neck to gaze at the beautiful wings extending from her shoulders. She then realized that with wings, she could fly, so with a powerful flap of her wings, she soared into the air.

Being in the sky felt like exhaling a huge breath that she had been holding for her entire life. Luna laughed happily and did flips in midair, definitely enjoying herself. In moments she already felt better. Until she didn't. A sharp pain flew through her mind and she thought she heard Wasp laughing evilly in her head. Suddenly Luna was flying over the hedges, over the maze.

"Hey!" she cried. "I don't want to go this way! Stupid talons. LISTEN TO ME!" Luna stopped in midair and her eyes went white. "It's not you, I'm controlling you! I'm making you fly to the middle of the maze. I've realized my mistake now". Said Wasp through Luna's mouth. Luna jumped back into reality. "Was your mistake creating the tornado?" She retorted to Wasp. "Because then I agree too," The president laughed, a long menacing laugh. "WHAT?!" Luna cried angrily. "Silly little girl, my mistake was giving you too many hints. Given how smart you are, you might actually complete all the tasks before midnight tonight. Sooo I'm going to slow you down."

Luna couldn't believe what she was hearing. Wasp jumped back into Luna's talons and continued flying her to the middle. "Why am I a dragon?" Luna asked. "And are Blue, Cricket, Swordtail, Sundew, and Willow also dragons? And can you also control the others? And how can you control me anyway?"

"You ask too many questions, little girl," Wasp said boredly. "Really? You think that is a lot of questions? Wow, let's see how you survive talking to Cricket." Said Luna. Given The tone of Wasp's groan, Luna thought the president was face-palming. "Well, 1 because Blue poured the potion into the bowl, 2 yes, 3 no, and 4, because when you touched the scroll at the very beginning when you were in the black room, that gave me control over you" Wasp answered. Luna blinked in surprise. "wow"

After flying for what seemed like AGES, they reached the middle of the maze. With Wasp controlling Luna's body, she hid one hedge away from where she could see 7 dragons. 7? Luna thought. Shouldn't there be only 5?

She glanced over and caught a glimpse of what they looked like. There were 3 green dragons, 1 gold and black dragon, 1 almost completely black dragon with red specks, 1 blue and purple dragon, and 1 navy blue dragon with an orange accent that looked like someone had melted a sunset in a cauldron and flung it at his wings. She knew that was Swordtail. Luna also knew the blue dragon was Blue, the gold dragon was Cricket, and she guessed that 2 of the 3 green dragons were Sundew and Willow. She had no idea who the black one and the other green one was. 

"Now," Wasp said through Luna. "Attack them." 

Wings of Highschool: The Spell in the Wind [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now