Why is there suddenly a fourth task?

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Ok, this was officially the creepiest thing Luna had seen in her life. The creepy president's eyes were dead white and she had a devil grin plastered on her face.

One minute Luna was climbing like it was the last thing she'll do and now vines were looping themselves around her ankles. She glanced around and vines had ensnared Cricket, Blue and Swordtail as well.

"Hello, very annoying little children who have disrupted my entire plan of destroying the world. You may know me." Wasp hissed.

"Disrupted your schedule?" Swordtail snapped. "You disrupted our entire lives!"

"It wasn't my silly idea to try and save the world now was it?" She snapped back.

For some reason they all turned to Cricket, who still had a determined face.

"Hey!" Luna yelled. "This part wasn't on the scroll!" Something flicked in the air and suddenly the scroll was in front of them. At the bottom of the scroll after task number 3, ink was slowly forming the words: Task 4: Face President Wasp in her throne room.

"Now it is."

"That is so unfair!" Luna cried. "Drop it." Blue tried to whisper to his sister. 

"I am the president, everything I do is fair." Wasp said boredly, sitting back in her chair and examining her nails.

"I have a question." Cricket suddenly interjected. She started to ask about how it works and everything about the tasks and magic. Wasp explained and Luna guessed that Wasp wasn't afraid to tell them everything because she assumed that they wouldn't survive this.

When the president was talking about something to do with the obstacles and turning them into dragons, Cricket dropped her satchel and mouthed 'dagger' and nudged the bag closer to Luna.

Luna understood immediately and bent down to pick the bag up. She slung it over her shoulder and quietly opened it. She dug around, keeping her eyes on Wasp until she found a small dagger, safely in a case. Luna opened it.

It was good that Luna was behind Swordtail so the president would most likely not see Luna kneel down and start to slice through the vines around her ankles. When she was free, she acted as if she wasn't, until she cut Swordtail's, Cricket's, and Blue's off.

Then they made their move.


Willow woke up with a horrible pounding in her head. She blinked her eyes open and noticed that the room she was now in was nothing like the obstacle course that she fainted in. It was mostly white and she was on a bed, wearing a white hospital dress. Willow also noticed that Blue, Cricket, Luna, and Swordtail were nowhere to be seen.

Where am I? She thought with a headache. Hospital, probably. She guessed, judging by her surroundings. She sat up and pushed back the curtain that was separating her from the rest of the building. Next to her was another bed, with a familiar girl sleeping. Sundew? She thought. Willow took a step closer and yes-it was Sundew.

Sundew's neck was in a cast and a bandage was wrapped around her shoulder and body. She guessed Sundew's leg was in a cast too, from what she had seen of her injuries before getting to the hospital. Who brought us here? She wondered. I'll ask a nurse.

Willow turned and tapped on the nearest nurse's shoulder. "Excuse me, what's your name?" She asked. "Ivy." The nurse replied. "You should be in bed."

"I know." Willow replied. "Um, Ivy. Who brought me here?"

Ivy shrugged. "We found you two in the waiting room, unconscious." She explained, nodding at Sundew.

"And how long until we can go?"

"Doctor reckons another day, you've already been here for one. If you want to go sooner I suggest you get some rest."

"Thank you, Ivy." Willow said. Then smiled and went to her bed. 

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