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Sundew ran around for hours, bumping into dead ends way too many times. When the sun started to fall out of the sky, she gave up. She looked into the sky, orange, pink and blue. Sundew sat down in a corner and smiled. The sunset reminded her of Willow. She missed Willow. Sundew missed her friends. Tears rolled down her face as the stars popped into the sky. The memory materialized into her mind.

Sundew scrolled on her phone for hours past bedtime. It wasn't her fault that wattpad was so great. She was reading a story about leaf dragons and hive dragons and silk dragons. It was awfully similar to the book that Blue and Cricket were writing. Sundew checked the author. Oh. The writer's username was called "xXBlueCricketXx" which was Blue and Cricket's profile.

When Sundew went back to her desk, a jade green frog sat on the window sill with her homework in its slimy mouth. "Hey!" She loudly whispered. The frog ignored her and jumped out the open window. "Ugh! I hate frogs!" Sundew growled. Sundew opened the window higher and climbed out. She stepped onto the roof tiles and slid down to the tree in front of her bedroom.

Sundew climbed down the tree and onto the streets, her eye catching on some movement down in the forest. She bolted into the trees and chased after the frog. Finally, she caught the frog, Sundew grasped the frog's tiny waist and tumbled to the ground. After snatching the homework back, Sundew took a moment to look at the place where she had landed.

Tall trees circled a quiet lake, boulders scattered around. The moonlight shone through the gap in the trees that illuminated the lily-pads that almost covered the water entirely. Fireflies buzzed around with their lights shining bright, making the scene more and more beautiful. A girl sat on one of the rocks and Sundew couldn't help notice how pretty she was. She was humming a sweet song and was oblivious to Sundew who was edging closer.

"Hi," Sundew said. The girl yelped and jumped her seat and then exhaled. "Phew, it's only a girl," the person said softly. Sundew thought her voice was beautiful but then quickly stuffed the thought at the back of her brain. "I'm Sundew," She introduced. "Oh my gosh! That's my name too!" the mysterious girl replied. "Really?" Sundew said, stunned. "No," The other Sundew said. "My name's Willow." Oh. Sundew thought. That made more sense. The two of them sat on the rock together. "Why are you out here?" Willow asked. "Why are you out here?" Sundew retorted. "Well, I come here every night," Sundew's new friend explained. "I chased a frog here because it stole my homework!" Sundew answered.

"Sundew, do you go to Pantala High School, because I'm going there tomorrow and it would be nice to have someone I know there," Willow continued. Sundew realized that she started to blush when Willow said her name. "Yes, I do," Sundew replied without knowing. "Great! See you tomorrow then?" Willow answered. "Yeah, see you tomorrow," Sundew said, slightly dreamy. Once Willow was gone, Sundew slapped herself. "Why am I having this feeling? The almighty Sundew has no time for love! Belladonna wouldn't approve anyway," Sundew muttered under her breath. She climbed through her window and lay on her bed, thinking about the lovely girl she just met. 

A/N: I realised Sundew said Belladonna instead of Mother so I had this idea where Sundew is adopted (in this fanfic) so she doesn't really feel comfortable with saying mum/mother. Lemme know if I should make this cannon!

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