Hope is NOT lost . . . until it is

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A/N: Some Blicket fluff :))

They set off, hoping for the best that Sundew would be transported back to Pantala once they saved the world. They had no idea where Bombardier and Nettle went but they kept an eye on the sky at all times.

Luna and Cricket supported Willow while she dizzily tried her best to keep up. Willow's breaths were shorter and more shaky as they kept going. Swordtail and Blue went ahead, making sure everything was clear for the others to get through.

Blue kept on stopping to make sure Cricket was okay and once when they were crossing a chasm on a wobbly bridge she nearly fell. But Blue caught her hand just in time. They both blushed as he helped her up, holding her hand. While they were being totally awkward and in love, Luna yelled: "Am I the only one carrying Willow, Or are you going to help?" Cricket quickly rushed to support Willow and Blue went back a bit, to keep an eye on their behind.

Just then Swordtail stopped. "We are almost there!" He called. "After this it's the last one, I think."

"Wow," Cricket said, adjusting her glasses. "I didn't think Willow would last this long. She might even make it to the end!" And just like that, Cricket jinxed it. Willow collapsed and Luna fumbled, dropping her by the sudden weight change. Swordtail's shoulders drooped and he sighed. "We aren't going to make the next obstacle with Luna and Cricket carrying her." He said, and pointed out to a tall rock wall, like the first obstacle, but not transparent.

"I mean we could, but not before midnight. I say we leave her here, and cross all our fingers that this works." Luna added, then sprinted to the wall and tried to climb it, with no success.

"Arghhhhh, that is so annoying." She groaned angrily. Luna pointed up, where the rocks only started jutting outwards up about five times Bombardier's height, who was the tallest person Blue knew. But before then, it was just smooth. Smooth flat rock.

He instinctively turned to Cricket, who was tapping her chin as if she was calculating something. He followed her gaze to the vines up ahead. It was just when he realized what she was thinking about when she said: "Aha!"

Luna turned to her and then to Blue. Blue made a face and Luna rolled her eyes, turning to Cricket again and giving her a smile that went nowhere near her eyes. Now Blue rolled his eyes. Cricket ignored the glare.

"What if we . . . climb up these vines and then-" she continued.

" And then swing onto the more climbable part of the wall?" Blue finished excitedly.

Luna shot a death glare at Cricket. Swordtail shrugged. "C'mon Luna." Blue said. "It was obvious."


Cricket volunteered to climb first but Blue insisted that he went. I'm not going to risk putting Cricket in danger anymore. "That's so sweet." Cricket said blushing. And when Blue saw the look on Luna and Swordtail's face, he realized he must have said his thought out loud. Blue blushed as well. "I'm going first." Luna demanded.

In a moment she was nearly at the top of the vine closest to the wall and she was reaching for the nearest rock ledge. She jumped on the wall and landed like spider man. Luna didn't wait. She immediately started climbing the rocks above.

"I'll go." Blue said. He reached for a vine before Swordtail stopped him. "Let me take Bumblebee." He said, and Blue realized that he had been carrying Bumblebee for most of the way. "I'm a better climber than you." Swordtail added. Blue nodded and handed the child over to him.

"mango boi mango toi . . ." Bumblebee murmured sleepily. Blue reached up for a vine and hauled himself up.

Blue was fairly good at climbing. He and Swordtail always went indoor rock climbing together. He also climbed trees and enjoyed it quite a bit, when he didn't get splinters.

The rock ledge nearest to the vine was wide enough for him to lie down and have his arms and legs spread out. When he reached it he sprawled across it, taking the time to rest. He noticed Cricket on the vine, so he climbed to a rock one step higher, to give her space to land.

She landed wobbly and stumbled backwards. She yelped as her foot landed on a loose rock, but before she could fall, Blue jumped down and caught her.

It was only until she was safe that he noticed he had been holding her by the waist. "I'm sorry." He said, embarrassed.

"You don't need to be embarrassed anymore," She pointed out. "We're dating now."

"Oh, Yeah." Blue said, and kissed her forehead.


"Okay Bumblebee." Swordtail said. "It's just you and me, let's do this." He took off his blue and orange jacket and spent practically half an hour tying it around his shoulder to make a sling. He set Bumblebee in the sling and she cooed happily before sleeping. I hope the others haven't gone on without me. He thought sadly. But he understood if they did. It was nearly 10:30pm.

After a lot of attempts to get onto the rock ledge, the climbing went-the least to say-bad.

He was good at it but Bumblebee's weight kept toppling him off course. He had to take a lot of rest stops to re-adjust Bumblebee's sling and she wasn't exactly helping him. When he finally thought he could feel the fog and mist coming around him, he used his last shimmer of hope to get to the top.

When Swordtail couldn't see the wall at all anymore-it was covered by the fog-he reached up to grab the next rock but felt nothing but air. His hand flailed around worriedly when it caught on someone else's.

He didn't know whose hand it was but he honestly couldn't care less. He was just so so exhausted that when the person heaved him upwards he just lay down on the smooth rock.

Hope is not lost. He kept telling himself. Hope is not . . . is that Luna? Words can not describe how happy he was to see Luna's face smiling down at him as he opened his eyes. "Swordtail!" She cried. "You made it!"

Bumblebee crawled out of the makeshift sling and waddled over to another figure. Swordtail could barely see in the fog but he was pretty sure it was Blue. Cricket stepped into Swordtail's line of sight and she looked almost as exhausted as he felt.

"Me and Blue venture further out and we found a tunnel that we thought we should explore once you were here," Cricket explained, waving her hands "I think we should go to it now."

"After . . . rest." Swordtail wheezed, and Cricket looked worried.

"It's almost 11:00. You can have a short rest, but we need to get a move on.


The tunnel, it turned out, was exactly how Luna imagined it. Dark, scary, narrow, and claustrophobic. Stepping into the tunnel was like entering hell. A very, very, VERY, dark hell. She took Swordtail's hand because something about the tunnel made her awfully remember the tunnel in the poison jungle that led to the lava pit. She hoped this tunnel didn't lead to a lava pit.

Well, for one thing, it didn't lead to a lava pit. But it led to a creepy throne room. A creepy throne room covered with this creepy vine that was dark red with creepy green veins and green leaves with creepy red veins and creepy white flowers with creepy seeds inside them.

And the creepiest of all, was the creepy president on the throne.  

Wings of Highschool: The Spell in the Wind [COMPLETE]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن