Death Doesn't Knock - 068

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This is basically an apology update because the last chapter was so short and boring that I just couldn't leave y'all like that until Monday! Besides, I'm bored and in desperate need to laugh at your comments, cause some of you gonna be yelling at me and it does make me smile <3

Brooks and Beth sat each side of Carol Peletier. Her body was bruised, and a little battered, but the doctors said that she would be okay. Brooks' right leg was bouncing on the ground, as she leaned backwards in her chair. Beth kept checking her vitals, and the medication going into her body. She really had adapted into an amateur nurse over her few days in the hospital.

Not only was Brooks worried about Carol, thinking nervously about how the hell the woman ended up in the city - in the same damn hospital! But, she was thinking about the fact that she was sitting silently, in the same room as the girl that she orphaned. Sure, Beth's mother was already dead, but if it wasn't for Brooks, then she would still have her father.

The Dixon knew it was only a matter of time until she had to speak the truth... But, how does one bring that up in conversation? Brooks grew up on lies. Lying to her teachers, false promises from her drunk brothers- father and uncle... Will lying to CPS, lying to herself that everything was okay. She was an experienced liar, but when it came to this, Brooks Dixon didn't know if she had the heart to keep up her innocent charade. 

Dawn suddenly walked into the dimly lit room. She had a bottle of bourbon, and two glasses in her hands. She offered Brooks a smile, which the girl half heartedly returned, before looking back to Carol. Sure, Carol and Brooks had their... Troubling past, but Brooks didn't want to leave Carol's side for a second. She wouldn't let anything bad happen to any member of her group, not again, not if she could help it.

"It's okay to cry." Dawn spoke, walking over to a cabinet, and pouring the two glasses of bourbon.

"I don't cry anymore." Beth stated, coldly, staring at Carol's sleeping self.

Dawn nodded, offering out the glass which Beth didn't take. Dawn simply but it on the bedside cabinet instead. "I do... I just don't let them see it." Dawn admitted. "The drink's from my own stash, there's no strings." She said, walking over to the door and leaning against it, opposite Carol.

Beth looked down, before back up to Dawn. "I know now why you covered for me." She said, making Brooks' eyes flickered to Beth. Ever since Carol was wheeled in, the two young girls hadn't really spoken, so Brooks wasn't totally sure what Beth was talking about. "You weren't protectin' me." Beth said, taking a long pause. "You were protectin' yourself."

Brooks watched as Dawn's eyebrows raised slightly, and she nodded in question. "Is that so?"

"Gorman, Jeffries, O'Donnell... They were problems for you." Beth continued, as Brooks began chewing her thumb nail in anticipation. "And now they're not. And, you didn't have to do the dirty work." Beth continued, looking to Brooks. "That's how things get done here. Everyone uses people to get what they want." 

Brooks shook her head, a solemn expression on her face . "Beth, that's how the world always worked. People usin' each other like animals."

"Animals have more compassion." Dawn mumbled, turning to Brooks. "I'd like to see you, in my office, if you don't mind."

The Dixon turned to her Greene friend, who nodded once. Beth didn't like Dawn, but she trusted her enough. Brooks patted Carol's limp arm, before she stood up and followed out Dawn. She followed her down the twisting corridors of the hospital, before the two got to her office. Dawn walked in first, holding the door open for Brooks who looked around the small room of privacy. "You gonna swear me in 'blood oath' style?" Brooks joked, turning to the woman who walked to sit at the end of her desk, a grin toying with her lips at Brooks' words.

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