Chapter Forty: Fear of the Unknown

Start from the beginning

As the shadow enveloped the landscape, Y/N's senses sharpened, his mind syncing with the darkness that now served as his eyes. The pain that once accompanied such an act was a distant memory, his spirit now in tune with the whispers of the shadows.

There, amidst the moss-covered ruins, a faint presence called to him—a figure kneeling, shrouded in an enigmatic aura that resisted Y/N's probing sight.

Withdrawing his shadow, Y/N faced Igris, whose gaze was laden with hope. "I found what we're looking for," Y/N declared, a newfound resolve firming his words. "Follow my lead."

Igris's response was a nod, his posture straightening as he adjusted the sleeping Sandra on his back, securing her for the journey ahead.

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as Y/N called forth the Abyssal Gate. Its swirling darkness yawned wide, an invitation and a promise of swift passage. "It will be quicker to teleport us directly there," he reasoned aloud, "Time is of the essence, after all."

Igris, the very embodiment of chivalry, inclined his head, his voice laced with the deference of a bygone era. "After you, Y/N," he offered, gesturing towards the gate with an armored hand that spoke of battles both won and lost.

Y/N acknowledged the gesture with a simple nod, his attention fixating on the pulsating aura that seeped from the portal—more tangible now, a silent herald of the unknown that lay beyond. His hand hovered near the space where the Ornate dagger could be summoned in an instant, his senses taut like a bowstring drawn.

"Do you feel it, Igris?" Y/N queried, his voice a low murmur, as much for his own confirmation as for Igris's acknowledgment.

The knight, poised at the edge of the gateway, nodded, his gaze fixed upon the swirling darkness. The subtle tension in his stance betrayed the emotional tumult beneath his armored exterior—a blend of anticipation and apprehension, the heart of a warrior beating in time with the call of camaraderie and duty.

Glancing back at the peaceful form of Sandra, Y/N felt a swell of protective instinct. She was an enigma, a beacon of light whose life had intertwined with his own in a bond that felt strangely paternal. It was a connection that had blossomed rapidly, perhaps too rapidly, leaving Y/N to wrestle with a mix of joy and concern.

In that moment, Y/N knew he must prioritize their safety over the reunion Igris yearned for. With a silent apology carried on the breath of his thoughts, Y/N addressed the knight. "Igris, I believe it's best if you remain here to safeguard Sandra. I will call for you both once I ensure all is secure."

The knight hesitated, his instincts torn between the call of comradery and the mantle of guardianship that rested upon his shoulders. The aura emanating from the portal was a siren's call, yet it bore an undercurrent of neutrality—an undefined threat that might mask friend or foe.

Y/N could sense the emotional maelstrom within Igris and pressed on, his command brooking no room for debate. "Igris, I can handle myself. Sandra needs your protection, so stay here," he insisted, the edge in his voice cutting through any hesitation.

The knight stood steadfast, his sense of duty warring with his desire to join Y/N. But the aura, neither light nor dark, neither welcoming nor entirely forbidding, held him back. With a nod of acquiescence, Igris relented, though his voice carried the steel of his convictions. "I will stay to protect Lady Sandra," he conceded, the knight's resolve firm as the steel he wielded, "but should you require aid, I will not hesitate to join you."

Y/N, satisfied with Igris' pledge, offered a nod of trust. "Good. I trust you to keep her safe, Igris," he affirmed before stepping through the gate. As he disappeared into the dark, the portal began to close, leaving Igris alone with Sandra, the silence of the forest their only company.

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