"Well that's because she won her solo, that's all." I said

"I mean its like don't ever give anybody just a little inch." Cathy said

"That's why Mackenzie doesn't even want to dance anymore." Melissa said, "She's like, it's always about the other girls and you know."

"And I just hope that you guys are prepared with a costume, and that you guys stop sharing costumes. Because, yeah there is so much teamwork, but its ridiculous when you're looking at a six year old and your thirteen to cram into her costume. No offense to you because you were only doing what she told you to do. But I paid for the costumes and I didn't like it. So I think that. for now, it's over and done with and we need to move forward." Cathy said to Kelly.

Sabrina Interview:

"The whole drama with Brooke and Vivi's costume was not needed. I don't see why Cathy coulee just let Brooke use the costume. Its called being a team player and if you're on this team you gotta be able to help us moms out."

"But my advice as a dance teacher, you moms need to step up and make sure that she's on top of things with your costumes." Cathy said.

"Vivi is kinda young and you're new, so you're kind of still in the honeymoon period." Christi said. "So she may not take it out, but give her some time then she'll start taking out her frustrations on you and on your daughter."

"Well all I'm going to do is flash her a couple of dead presidents, hopefully that'll work." Cathy said

"That'll settle her." Christi said.

"That'll help her." Melissa also said.

I laughed with Kelly as Holly said. "That might work."

Four days to competition

Sabrina POV

Maddie was rehearsing her solo. It's about her grandmother and it really means a lot to her and Melissa.

"You know that song angle is for my mom." Melissa asked

"I know." Christi said. "Maddie was telling me."

"She so excited about it." Melissa said. "The other day I was a little freaked out because, like, I smelled he. And it was like, so weird. I look at her picture everyday when I get my coffee, and I have her little handwriting on my cabinet. I just miss her so much I can't stand it."

"Have you ever like picked up the phone and tried to call them?" I asked

"Yeah, sometimes I say, oh, I have to tell my mom about this. And then I'm like, she's not there."

Sometime later it also was Nia's Solo rehearsal

Me and Melissa were working the front desk and Dawn came in to talk to Abby. So Melissa went and got abby from the studio.

Melissa came back and told her that Abby said she would talk to her in a few minutes. It was weird seeing her back after what happened last time. It was really crazy, the police had to come and everything. Abby came out and brought her to a private room away from everyone. She didn't pay for a costume and Abby was going to go to court.

Three days to competition

Sabrina POV

"Okay ladies." Abby yelled walking into the room. "This is your pack list for the competition. Now I didn't get down into too much detail since you guys go away all the time. Cathy the reason we do this is so it's easy for me to find the kids. When I'm traveling with children and I need to get them quickly I want to a photo someone shows up and then they all look good for my program book."

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